Saturday, June 11, 2011

Prosperity Game- Day 2- Judging the Rich

We are on Day 2 of the Prosperity Game.  Barely getting started really and already I have a strong feeling coming forth about the challenge.  It has to do with judgement!   It reminds me of an experience some ten years ago, when the stock market was going nuts.  People were doubling money in a stock in one day.  In a month some of them could double several times.  I had a little money in the market with a broker and began to play one of these hot stocks.  It was a little biotech company working with stem cells. One day it doubled and then it doubled again maybe a week later.  It continued to go up and up.  My money was growing faster than I had ever seen or even thought possible.  It was exciting and I was terrified! 

Some of you are probably asking Why?  It surprised me very much too. Heck, I thought I would be happy to win the lottery.  I thought I could easily handle “easy money”.  I had always thought that I wanted more money flowing in…easily.  We had big bills to pay and many unfulfilled needs at the time.  Wasn’t this a Godsend.  Yes it was and I couldn’t handle it.  Because I could hear the voices of some family members in my head saying things that I had heard them say before.  “Playing the market like that is ridiculous!”  “It does no good for anyone.”  And others saying, “Where did you get that money?” 

There were many collected beliefs that I had gathered from multitudes of experiences over the years.  Comments had been made about wealthy people, corruption, greed, lack of concern for others, exploitation of the planet, and so on.  Then there is that whole money not growing on trees bit…meaning, you better work your self to the bone for it. 

I would hear that, “money is the root of all evil”.  I guess I won’t even have a chance of getting into heaven if this keeps up.   I sometimes heard the term, “filthy rich”.  This does not sound like something I want to get involved with. 

However, once I was an adult, married and raising three kids with my husband, I wanted to have the money but I did not want to tell anyone where I got it unless it came from hard work.  I had to feel like I “earned it” and that did not mean planting an orchard of money trees or watching a biotech stock double every week.  Somewhere inside I decided it would be easier just to stay at the level I was living and not deal with all of that.  The stock market obliged and I lost most of it, but that was the beginning of my journey to expand myself and let go of my old beliefs.  It was a wake up call for me. 

Playing the Prosperity Game publicly can bring up some of this same stuff .  With 500 of us playing or watching play, some of us are likely to be thinking that this is all about materialism.  They might be scrutinizing what players are doing with their money.  There might be some trash talk out there and I have seen a small inkling of it in a post.  Well, that is a gift to us because if we are going to step into this power of the flow from source, we must deal with the physical reality of money.  We must realize that this is a big mirror and it is showing us where we have more work to do to free ourselves of our own limiting beliefs and also, the collective cultural beliefs.  Money is still here on this planet.   As long as it is here, it has a purpose and that purpose just might be learning to free ourselves of all of our limiting beliefs about the flow from source of everything that we could ever need and I am NOT just talking about money.  It could be that by working through this, we will see that there is plenty for all, that we no longer have to fight for resources or compete against each other.  We can choose to share generously and to support every body with joy.  We can love ourselves and one another because there is enough.  There is enough money, time, and love.  It is all unlimited. 

Now, I choose abundance and  freedom.  I choose to trust myself to use my money and my energy wisely.  I forgive myself for any times when I do not do that.  I accept it as part of my learning to grow into receiving fully and openly.  I allow good things to flow in.  I choose to feel the unlimited source and the love that comes to me in so many ways.   I choose to have fun with my money and to also do good things with it.  I see the power that it has to support my good work in the world.  I allow this.  I welcome it.  Now I say, bring it on!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Prosperity GAME ON!!!

Choose your Baseline and Being to Play! 

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. ~
James Dean

Imagine that this morning you wake up to find a white envelope sitting on your doorstep.  It clearly has your name on the envelope and is meant only for you.  You open it, and inside is a letter and a check. 

"Dear (insert your name here, this is specifically for you),

I am so happy that you have decided to enjoy Prosperity!  I heard that you are now willing to receive my generous gifts on a daily basis and I am overjoyed to send you this first gift of cash.   You have now stepped into a magnificent and prosperous flow of unlimited potential.  You will be receiving more every day!

Imagine yourself by a beautiful waterfall.  The water is cascading down powerfully and flowing past you on it’s way to many other places.  The water from this fall flows all year long, year after year.  You may come to this fall on any day and take all the water that you need and no one with notice that you took any of it.  There is plenty and more than enough for everyone.  Does it not feel good to be here by this water, flowing, pure and life giving?  Do you notice that birds and butterflies, deer and fox, and many other creatures also share in this flow.  Everyone is satisfied here and there is enough for all today and there will be more tomorrow and every day after that.   It is cool and refreshing and you decide to step into this stream.  This is how I want you to imagine the flow of wealth that you are now standing in.  It is unlimited!  You may drink all you want.  You may fill your canteen and save some of it for later.  You may share it with your companions.  You may swim in it and luxuriate in all it has to offer. 

So today, stand in the stream of this abundant flow and rejoice! 
I have enclosed a check in the amount of your average weekly income. 
Take this game money and spend it all today and have fun with it.  There is more coming!! 

You will find enclosed in this letter some more information about playing the game.  Please read on to get those important details. 

I love you,
Flow Daley,
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Incorporated

From Heart of Prosperity:

According to Facebook, Heart of Prosperity has accumulated fans from at least 26 counties around the world. 

(in no particular order)
Hello Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, Slovenia, Canada, Greece, Denmark, Germany, India, Serbia, Bahrain, South Africa, Latvia, United Arab Emirates, China, Indonesia, Finland, Jordan, New Zealand, Egypt, Philippines, and the U.S. including Puerto Rico.  Did I miss anyone?

How exciting it is to think that we have this potential to globally interact as we play the Prosperity Game!  This means that some of you are not playing with US dollars.  It also means that while in the US the average weekly wage is around $900 a week, that same amount in other countries on our list vary widely and then there is the variability within each individuals circumstance.  Average weekly income in India is $23US while in Norway it is $1500. 
Have you ever wondered where you fit into the global picture of the flow of wealth on this planet.  Here is a link that you might find useful. 

This brings me to the options for play today:

Your challenge for today is to spend your average weekly income all in one day?  You can round it off to a comfy round number to keep things simple, or if you would like to play with another amount, go for $1000. I will be using this amount as the default amount throughout the game.   Whatever you start with today will be your baseline for the game and from this day forward you will be playing with a multiple of that baseline amount. 

What to do with it?

I suggest that you create an account of some kind, either a check book or a spreadsheet and “deposit” the money.  The more realistic you can make this, the better.  So if you usually keep accounts in a particular way, try to use something similar.  Then decide how you would spend the money and enter those “purchases” into your account.  Again, the more real you make it the better so if you have time to look up actual costs, that would be great.  However, if you are having a very busy day and that level of detail is not possible, just do the best you can.  Do not let the time needed interfere with your success in playing.  Play anyway and relax.  Enjoy.  It is meant to be fun and exciting. 

Then share your experience with us by commenting on Facebook or on the blog.  If you decide to blog about this on your own blog, please post a link on HOP’s facebook page so other players can find it and be sure to tell your readers where to find HOP so that they can interact in the big game. 

This is just the beginning.  It is going to get exciting as the amount of daily flow grows. 

Thanks for playing!

Heart of Prosperity

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prosperity Game - Round Two - Summer Edition

It's time for another round of the Prosperity GAME! 
We will be playing this game on facebook, for the most part, but I am going to also post on my blog so that those of you who prefer playing here can do so.  
If you want to join us on facebook go to www.facebook.comHeartofProsperity

This game is based on the one described by Abraham in Esther and Jerry Hick’s book, Ask and It Is Given.  It is condensed and adapted by HOP for group play on facebook. ( I might also use my blog to share some larger posts but plan to keep most of it on facebook for this round.) 

This game is designed to bring you into the vibrations of Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation.

Each day you will have a new amount of money to imagine with.  Since we have people on HOP from all over the world, with various currencies and costs of living, there will be a variation offered.  You may choose to play with the default amount, which will be in US Dollars or with the one specifically for your situation. 

The more real you make it the better so that means that if you have time to shop for the items and find out how much they will cost you for real, rather than estimating and you keep an account on a spreadsheet or use an old checkbook to make deposits and write checks…well all the better. 

Because Nature naturally expands in an orderly sequence, our daily amounts will be loosely correlated to that sacred geometric configuration know as the Fibonacci Series and we will be expanding like blooming flowers.  Doesn’t that sound lovely? 

As you play each day the effect will accumulate so staying with it when it gets tougher to spend larger sums is the way to see the greatest results and benefits from playing.  The first few days are likely to be easy but when you get into the big bucks, you may find it challenging to imagine spending it all.  This is when the expansion really gets good and you will find yourself stretching for ideas and shifting your point of attraction for the better.

“if you are giving focused attention to these wonderful expanding ideas that this game evokes from you, the Universe now responds to the vibrations of those thoughts.”  ~ Abraham

“and feeling no resistance….because there is no fear of overspending, you will achieve what is necessary in the achievement of anything: You will have made a statement of desire while you are in the state of non-resistance, or better said, in the state of allowing.” ~ Abraham

You may face some challenges, encounter some limiting beliefs about having money, or emotions around the way that you choose to spend it.  It is common for people to feel selfishness, guilt, futility, unworthiness, confusion, indecisiveness, hopelessness, anger,  etc.  Feel free to share this too.  Perhaps you can release and change some of those obstacles and find yourself expanding to imagine more abundance, joy and love for yourself and the entire planet!!  This is what we ultimately want!   I would love to support you if you need help with these issues. 

As you play along, I encourage you to share, share, share.  It will inspire, encourage and carry others along.  It is one of the things that makes the game a blast to play on Facebook.  So a  big thanks in advance to those that leave comments and share their experiences.

I will be playing right along with you.  I will be sharing supportive quotes, inspirational and informative videos, links and my own experiences.  I am so happy to have you are as part of this experience.  What a great way to welcome in the next season in our lives!