We are on Day 2 of the Prosperity Game. Barely getting started really and already I have a strong feeling coming forth about the challenge. It has to do with judgement! It reminds me of an experience some ten years ago, when the stock market was going nuts. People were doubling money in a stock in one day. In a month some of them could double several times. I had a little money in the market with a broker and began to play one of these hot stocks. It was a little biotech company working with stem cells. One day it doubled and then it doubled again maybe a week later. It continued to go up and up. My money was growing faster than I had ever seen or even thought possible. It was exciting and I was terrified!
Some of you are probably asking Why? It surprised me very much too. Heck, I thought I would be happy to win the lottery. I thought I could easily handle “easy money”. I had always thought that I wanted more money flowing in…easily. We had big bills to pay and many unfulfilled needs at the time. Wasn’t this a Godsend. Yes it was and I couldn’t handle it. Because I could hear the voices of some family members in my head saying things that I had heard them say before. “Playing the market like that is ridiculous!” “It does no good for anyone.” And others saying, “Where did you get that money?”
There were many collected beliefs that I had gathered from multitudes of experiences over the years. Comments had been made about wealthy people, corruption, greed, lack of concern for others, exploitation of the planet, and so on. Then there is that whole money not growing on trees bit…meaning, you better work your self to the bone for it.
I would hear that, “money is the root of all evil”. I guess I won’t even have a chance of getting into heaven if this keeps up. I sometimes heard the term, “filthy rich”. This does not sound like something I want to get involved with.
However, once I was an adult, married and raising three kids with my husband, I wanted to have the money but I did not want to tell anyone where I got it unless it came from hard work. I had to feel like I “earned it” and that did not mean planting an orchard of money trees or watching a biotech stock double every week. Somewhere inside I decided it would be easier just to stay at the level I was living and not deal with all of that. The stock market obliged and I lost most of it, but that was the beginning of my journey to expand myself and let go of my old beliefs. It was a wake up call for me.
Playing the Prosperity Game publicly can bring up some of this same stuff . With 500 of us playing or watching play, some of us are likely to be thinking that this is all about materialism. They might be scrutinizing what players are doing with their money. There might be some trash talk out there and I have seen a small inkling of it in a post. Well, that is a gift to us because if we are going to step into this power of the flow from source, we must deal with the physical reality of money. We must realize that this is a big mirror and it is showing us where we have more work to do to free ourselves of our own limiting beliefs and also, the collective cultural beliefs. Money is still here on this planet. As long as it is here, it has a purpose and that purpose just might be learning to free ourselves of all of our limiting beliefs about the flow from source of everything that we could ever need and I am NOT just talking about money. It could be that by working through this, we will see that there is plenty for all, that we no longer have to fight for resources or compete against each other. We can choose to share generously and to support every body with joy. We can love ourselves and one another because there is enough. There is enough money, time, and love. It is all unlimited.
Now, I choose abundance and freedom. I choose to trust myself to use my money and my energy wisely. I forgive myself for any times when I do not do that. I accept it as part of my learning to grow into receiving fully and openly. I allow good things to flow in. I choose to feel the unlimited source and the love that comes to me in so many ways. I choose to have fun with my money and to also do good things with it. I see the power that it has to support my good work in the world. I allow this. I welcome it. Now I say, bring it on!