Sunday, November 6, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 6 - Shine! Shine! shine!

Good Day!

It is a very good day today because the money continues to flow and it is getting wider!  Today you have $13,000 to spend on anything that your heart desires.  It just gets better each day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

The question that Jo posed was, "How would you deal with someone who would constantly harass you or try to guilt you to give, give, give" and more generally How do you deal with those who don't celebrate your success but rather have a negative response? 

And in processing, Jo came to a very good conclusion, 
"Perhaps if I remain impassive/non-judgmental and send higher vibrations towards them, it may have an effect"
Yes, be the change.  Be humble, generous, compassionate etc...but at the same time, don't hide your magnificence. Shine.  With love, show more of who you really are.  

As we free ourselves of limiting beliefs, we bring in more and more flow.  We can become the embodiment of love with unlimited access to everything; constant flow, abundance, bountiful, unceasing total prosperity. What we can not do, is change that for others.  The whole thing is set up from Source the way it is for a reason.  Source will send you constant energy and you can use it, block it, etc.  Even though it is there, we may not receive it. Then again we may and this is so when you become one with that Source flow.  You may be able to receive for you but you can not override the blocks of others.  Even if you are generous with them, they will experience and feel the lack that they have according to their own beliefs and perceptions.  What you can do is hold the vibration of pure love and total and unlimited access to the abundant goodness and beauty of Source.  Do not cover it or hide it, and yet, there is no need to press it or flaunt it.  Just holding the energy is enough to allow it to have an effect and it is effortless for it is what you are and so you are just being what you are!  If you stay in alignment with what you are, there is no inclination to apologize.  You are a magnificent, radiant, vibrantly alive expression of this energy and that is what you are here for.  Just to be that.   WE, humanity, need everyone that can to step up now and be that.  Be what you are!  Be love!  You may have a positive effect on those around you in this way, though it may not be expressed in that way for love brings up all things unlike itself,  (think crucifixion, the reaction Jesus got was not so good, eh?) , but WWJD (What would Jesus Do?)  Keep shining!!!  Keep expressing pure love without pride or ego.  Check in with your heart, clear any debris in the form of residual fear, limiting beliefs and perceptions and feel the love and then hold that.  I believe that if I come into that alignment, what I exude energetically is the best I can give.  Then I am standing in, holding and emitting that purity of my heart which is identical to Source.  It is pristine energy coming through me and being shared out into the world.  It feels good just to think about it.  Sure hope I, you and we can pull this off!  

Let's bring it! 



  1. Well I thought hard about what I wanted to spend this 13,000 dollars on and I decided to drive to the bank and write a check for the rest of my car loan!! I now do not owe a penny towar my car payment and my Toyota is now MY car!! No more car payments!! Wooo hoooo!! Thank you thank you!!

  2. Lucky 13!!!! I just happen to have 13 nieces and nephews so I gave each of them $1,000. It was another magnificent day in Ohio...too nice to stay indoors. I spent hours in the glorious sunshine, being in the moment and feeling gratitude for all the beauty, prosperity, and wonder that is my life. Thank you!!!!

    Thank you, Sue, for your thoughtful insights on dealing with people who are not aware yet of LoA or who choose not to participate. You are right, we should focus only on raising our own vibration and not let others' blocks get in our way. We cannot - and should not - try to change others, because they have their own paths to follow. We can, however, choose how we perceive/react. It feels so much better to be in higher vibrations of love than to be dragged down in negativity. I will keep that in mind whenever I am around such people and will think of positive energy as a sort of shield...If I am in a positive state, anything lesser will bounce off and away from me :) Have a blessed evening!

  3. p.s. YES, Sue, I do have faith that we can pull this off! I believe those people are in our lives as a reminder of where (lower vibrations) we are choosing NOT to remain.

  4. Yep. I have found a block. The bigger the amounts, the less I want to spend it all, and the more I want to save it for a rainy day. I like that security.

    But I forced myself to spend the first $13,000 (the $8,000 and $5,000 combined from the other two days that I hadn't been able to spend). I'm happy to announce I am now completely debt-free save for the mortgage, and I finished paying for the Spirit Quest trip.

    Today's $13,000, I just want to put in the savings account. It's actually causing me stress to have to figure out what to spend it on! Why is this?
