Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Prosperity Games begin on 1- 1 -11!! Would you like to play ?

Do you every imagine what it would be like to have a constant flow of more and more money coming to you every day?  What would you do with it?

This is the basis for the Prosperity Game.  I can be very fun and also challenging.  It is useful because it expands your ability to imagine greater things for yourself and the world.  It may seem like it is limited to material things but it will effect every aspect of your life if you choose to play it.  Are you in? 

Here is how we will play this round:
Beginning on January 1, 11, for 11 days, you will be challenged to imagine spending a  sum of money.  You may spend it in any way that you like and on anything or anyone that you want to spend it on.  There are no limits there, but you must spend ALL of it.  Each day the amount will increase.  To play with us, you will check Heart of Prosperity on Facebook  for your amount to spend each day.  Take some time to write down for yourself what you would do with that money.  Use your imagination and dream beautiful things for yourself and your world.  You may post what you are spending your imaginary money on or how you are feeling about the challenge at the wall at Heart of Prosperity on Facebook or in the comments section here on the Heart of Prosperity blog.  You may also play for yourself and skip the sharing but I encourage you to share because it will carry others along, even those that are not sharing and it will help all of us by working through this together.  So a big thanks in advance to those that participate.  

You may face some challenges, encounter some limiting beliefs about having money, or emotions around the way that you choose to spend it.  It is common for people to feel selfishness, guilt, futility, unworthiness, confusion, indecisiveness, hopelessness, anger,  etc.  Feel free to share this too.  Perhaps you can release and change some of those obstacles and find yourself expanding to imagine more abundance, joy and love for yourself and the entire planet!!   I would love to support you if you need help with these issues. 

I want to give credit to Esther and Jerry Hicks for this idea.  I got the idea from their book, Ask and It Is Given, Process #5, page 177.  I will be posting every day on Heart of Prosperity on Facebook to update you on my own progress while playing the game. 

Are you GAME? 


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vision Boards - the Party

Last night we had the vision board making party and it was lots of fun.   Here is a link to some photos from the event.!/album.php?aid=31562&id=146717368698495

I hope this inspires you to make your own vision board.  Let me know if you do and send photos and comments.  I would love to hear from YOU!  Happy Visioning!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My year in Review: Something Beyond Luck is Steering this Ship.

I love this time of year!  It is so rich with potential with a whole new year ahead.   It looks sort of like a blank slate and I can make anything happen. 

Looking back over 2010 is my starting point.  I am deeply grateful for this year. 
There were highlights, challenges, pleasant surprises and solid repeats from past years that keep me grounded.  It is not so much the list of things that I did that is important but what they contributed to my happiness and growth. 

At the end of April and beginning of May, two events came together and offered a rich menu of experiences for growth.  First there were 6 days of semi-primitive camping on an island in the sea, this juxtaposed with 5 days in a posh West Palm Beach Resort.  I do the camping trip every year with the same group  of friends.  It is an immersion in nature, with no electricity, the freshest air, unpredictable weather, dolphins, kayaks, birds, waves, sun, sand, conversation and community.  I love it!  It is comfortable and wonderous! Every year this trip offers special surprises from nature and spirit.  Then there was the Posh Resort just a little over an hour south of the island.  I left the island sun-kissed and high on life, infused with nature and feeling peace.  I arrived at the Resort in my sand and salt covered Honda packed to the max with camping gear.  The valets at the entry paid no attention to me.  When I walked up to the front desk, the clerk suggested that I might have the wrong address.  How funny.  I did look so out of place.  I was indeed in the right place but I did FEEL very out of place.  Everything was un-natural.  My room was upgraded and it was huge. I went from sleeping in a tent as my home for a week to sleeping in a room as big as my house, with a full kitchen, living room, dining room, and two large bedroom suites.  Not to mention the large balcony over looking the pools with sea view in the distance.  The closet was as big as one of the bedrooms in my house.  Opulence!  Excess!  What choices we have in this world.  I felt very uncomfortable there at first.  I wanted back my starlight, sea, sand and fresh air.  When I was in the elevator, I got a look from a woman that was unforgettable.  She was scanning me top to bottom out of the corner of her eye with a scowl on her face.  That was a big wake-up call for me.  I had to change my attitude if I was going to feel comfortable here and make it more about energy than materials.  I got right to work, examining my beliefs, my fears, my feelings...I did a little work with Energy Medicine ala Donna Eden, some EFT, some other release work and decided to be, to just be the embodiment of love and joy.  Things changed immediately and by the end of the weekend, I was playing with the valets, and when I asked them to go to my car and get my boogie board out of the trunk, they just came back laughing in a good natured way at the irony of it all.  I never got another strange look and I had a great time.  By day three, I even had a room-mate, another woman from the conference that had been driving a pretty long distance each day accepted my offer to use the second bedroom, after all, it was just sitting there empty.  I had fun playing in the ocean every day too!  

The conference itself was another aspect of the value of this time.  At Caroline Cory's Healers  program I had a rare opportunity to practice my skills at tapping into people's energy to see what insights I could gain.  This is something that is fairly easy for me to do with friends and family but then I already know a lot about them.  In this case, everyone was unknown to me and I could experience myself merging with their energy and getting impressions and to follow that with feedback on accuracy.  I also learned more great techniques on what to do from there.  I love the Omnium Method and by my own experience, find it to be one of the most powerful methods for reprogramming the mind, releasing old trauma and beliefs, and infusing the self with high frequency energies of love and light. 

On the last morning at breakfast, sitting with friends made during the week, a woman who was also attending the conference asked if she could join our table.  She had been very quiet during the entire week and we had hardly noticed her but this morning something was different and she began to tell of what happened to her that night.  It was a tale of angels, past lives, forgiveness and understanding.  She appeared and was like a new person.  I asked her about her life and she began to talk about her journey as an artist, painting inspired art and I was listening with my whole heart.  There was something in this that I was meant to hear. 

When I got home the next day, I opened an email to find a story about Stewart Cubley and "The Painting Experience"  I visited the website and was further intrigued.  Within 24 hours, I got one more message about painting from inspiration.  Maybe it was time to go back and see when I could make on of those workshops and it just so happened that there was one in Asheville in August.  Not to far and affordable, so I registered. 

And here is some more synchronicity:
Larry and I have been looking for a home in the area around Asheville, NC. for relocation in the next few years.  Last May, in 2009, I spotted a home that I felt immediately attracted to.  After seeing it, I felt it was "the one" and Larry agreed.  We made an offer at a price we could afford in 2009, but it was not accepted.  The house later came off the market and had re-emerged and was now listed at near our initial offer.  We went together to look at it at that point and restated our offer.  This time it was accepted!  The closing date, Thursday, August 12th, that conference I just spoke of, August 13-15!! 

I started thinking about life in North Carolina, picturing what I wanted and I realized that it was time for me to start doing my work in the world.  My youngest daughter is becoming more independent and within 5 years I will have a husband that is no longer working in his current job and a daughter graduating from High School.  It is definitely a good time for me to step out.  I hired a personal coach and was coming up with the plan to launch my coaching business and create Heart of Prosperity as a successful business. 

I attended "The Painting Experience"  workshop in August in Asheville and saw an old part of myself emerge.  I had the chance to feel myself create spontaneously and without judgement for days in a row.  From the space created by the "Experience", I was able to feel the freedom and sense of joy that I have not had so much of since childhood.  That little joyful playful part of me that had tucked herself away when the responsibilities of running a household and caring for a family consumed my days.  She only came out briefly every now and then, but by this event, she got to show herself and all her glory.  I see that she is a very important part of me.  She holds me in the present moment.  I am approaching many other parts of my life now with that same sense of freedom and non-judgement.  It has restored a childlike playfulness and real joyful quality to my life. 

I left Asheville with a whole new outlook on life and a direction. 

When I got home, I began taking action to get Heart of Prosperity launched and by October, I had my first paying clients.  It is expanding and growing from there.  I have found some of this to be intimidating, stretching me out of my comfort zone, especially the marketing side of having a business, but the coaching itself has been a great joy and I feel like I am meant to do this.  I am good at it.  Some beautiful combination of experience, study and skill have come together for me in a very effective way and it is rewarding to offer it to others. 

To summarize the year, I would say that I lived from my heart and I see the value and the magic that comes from having trust in the process.  I often would say out loud that I felt like every day feels like Christmas, because so many little and big gifts and unexpected delights showed up day after day.  That is not to say that there were not big challenges, pain, fear, and all that too, but it was the TRUST that made it all so much easier.  TRUST!  

Happy New Year to All!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Each and Every Moment is an Opportunity to Give

December 24th, 2010

The first thing that ran through my mind this morning was this, "Today and tomorrow, Each and every moment is an opportunity to give my presence.  There is nothing more valuable that can be given."  

I thought about this for quite a time, absorbing the meaning of it, feeling the energy of it.  I am joyful at the thought.  I want to be here and now.  To the best of my ability,  I want to have my feet firmly grounded, my mind clear of expectations and unaffected by old beliefs, and my heart open.  I want to be taking in the experience of each moment, with all of my senses.  I want to do this in each precious moment, no matter what I am doing.   I want to do this when I am breathing, listening, talking, walking, eating, making food, giving gifts, receiving, singing, hugging, etc......

So the idea is fabulous and the actual practice may prove to be more challenging but it is my intent to get as close as I can to doing this.  It is my intention to pay attention to how my body is feeling, to what emotions I am experiencing, to what thoughts are surfacing and to do my best to be with what is. 

Peace and Love to you all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Solstice Greetings

Solstice Greetings

When I was a little girl, I attended a Catholic school with nuns in long black habits.  They were mysterious and intriguing.  The story I was told about them contained total devotion and purity.   Every day they encouraged us to be the same.  At Christmas time we made "spiritual bouquets" to give as gifts to our parents.  These contained pledges to complete spiritual and charitable tasks.  We were also encouraged to take on some personal self-improvement or prayer practices to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Christ-child. 

Here is a photo from my 1st grade year at Christmas.  I can't believe I found this! 

The activities and stories of my childhood are so ingrained in me and in the culture that I still think about those spiritual bouquets and pledges to better myself in preparation for the return of the light.  I have a little plan for myself about what I will take on to clear out more of my internal clutter and ask myself, "What can I do to hold more light?" 
This year is no different and I have a commitment to complete some deep clearing work before Tuesday. 

I hear people complain about the Holidays: the commercialism, the busyness, the stress and yet, I wonder how many people also have something else going on, something meaningful and maybe even transformative.  Perhaps something so personal and private that it is not shared often.  Are most of us thinking about prayers for other people in our lives and taking time for that "spiritual bouquet", or maybe focusing on charity to others in our community but doing this quietly without fanfare, or maybe taking on some big personal issue and working to clear it out and make ourselves better for the world?  Is kind of stuff happening but just not getting any press?  not part of the small talk at parties? 

Tell me friends, what is going on?  

Friday, December 17, 2010

Vision Boards - How to Make One

Many of you, maybe even most of you, have probably made vision boards especially since the book and movie, "The Secret" came out.  Vision Boards were a prominent tool shared there, because they are a wonderful way of helping us clarify, focus and manifest our visions. 

Vision boards can be very specific to a particular area of life and what you want to manifest in that one area.  For example, you might know that you want to find a love and life partner and you want the board to represent what you are looking for in this partner.  What kind of activities do you want to share with this person and what qualities would they have? You could use words and images to display this.  On the other hand you might be unclear about what you want to manifest specifically.  In that case you could create a vision board that is actually a gratitude board.  With the focus on appreciation, you would be creating an intention to have more of those things in your life. 

When you take the time to create a vision board you are involved in a process of refining your vision and getting very clear about what it looks like.  You are setting a strong intention for what you want.  You are engaging many parts of your brain as you multiple senses to create this tangible representation.  Your conscious and subconscious mind are involved.  There is great power in this.  When you complete your board, you may choose to display it in a place where you can see it regularly, thereby triggering the mind to remember this intention.  

To make a vision board you will need:
+ a sturdy piece of  something to provide as the surface for your board.  This could be mat board, cardboard, wood, and even poster board. 
+ paper glue like Elmer's or similar
+ scissors or other cutting tools for cutting out images
+ magazines, old calendars, and other discarded paper items that have images or words that can be used to give visual representation of your vision.
+ a good workspace and a block of time for focusing on the task. 

To get started:
Begin by scouting for images that you like and may represent what you are intending for yourself.  You may find these in magazines, calendars, catalogs or you may find them on the internet and print them up for use on your board.  Vision boards may also include words and objects or anything that will work on a board that represents your intentions. 

Cut them out and prepare them for placement.  Play around with the arrangement on the board until you are satisfied with the look and feel of it.  You may need to weed out a few images or look harder for something that seems missing.  Once you get it the way you want it, you can begin gluing it all on the board. 

In the final step you may choose to cover the whole thing with a finish coat of Mod Podge or some similar clear coat. 

Display your Vision Board in a place that you will see it regularly.  That is all there is to it.  

Last year, in the week before the New Year, I hosted a Vision Board Making Party.  There will be one again this year.  I will hold it at my home in Oviedo, Florida on Tuesday, December 28th in the evening and it's a free event, though you may want to bring a snack to share and a beverage. To RSVP for this event and for more details, you may email me at

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vision Boards

"Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success. Great living starts with a picture, held in your imagination, of what you would like to do or be." - Harry Emerson Fosdick

I don't really know when I started making vision boards but the first one was probably made while I was in Jr. High School some 35+ years ago.  I didn't know what they were then or how powerful they could be, but I remember making collages of things that I loved and things that I hoped and dreamed about.  I would keep them in journal or hang them near a desk in my room where I dumped all my stuff at the end of the school day. 
Since then, the art of making vision boards has become a regular thing for me.  I have refined the process and have a much better understanding of what it does. 

Around this time of year, I begin to think about the year in review and soon after that a flood of ideas and hopes for the New Year begin to appear.  I love this process of imagining the future and have always been a daydreamer.  My Mom will attest to the fact that I was often found lost in deep daydreaming as a child and she would rouse me from my trance of visioning to do a chore or homework.  Things haven't changed much and I spend the early morning and just before sleep moments of my days in this state of creation.  This goes on all year long but near the turning of the year and my birthday, it gets crazy fun and so justifiable.  What better time to make a vision board? 

Last year I made it a community event by inviting friends and whomever over to my house a few days before the New Year to make vision boards.  I am going to repeat that this year!  Yay!  So if you are close by, stay tuned for details. 

Next Post:  How to Make a Vision Board and details about my event.