Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Perfect Time and Extreme Kindness all at once…

It’s the week of the extreme kindness week challenge at the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.  I decided I like this idea and would participate.  In the days before I began to think about what would be extreme kindness and I was so curious about what this week would be like.  Well..think…what would be extreme kindness?  So while I direct that question out, things begin to happen. 

On Monday, the first day of the challenge begins and the first task is to send a note of appreciation to someone.   I was planning to do this anyway and I thought it not extreme at all and I was a little disappointed that more was not asked of me.  I guess I was thinking that because it was an extreme challenge, it would be extremely challenging.  I am thinking even more about how this could become extreme.  What is extreme?  I looked up the definition:

of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average: extreme measures.
utmost or exceedingly great in degree: extreme joy.
farthest from the center or middle; outermost; endmost: the extreme limits of a town.
farthest, utmost, or very far in any direction: an object at the extreme point of vision.
exceeding the bounds of moderation: extreme fashions.
going to the utmost or very great lengths in action, habit, opinion, etc.: an extreme conservative.

Then day 2 arrives with the task smile at 10 people, strangers maybe…I can do this and even more, I can even say hello or open a door for them or whatever…but I am hungry for more and still wondering what extreme kindness looks like.

So as I am getting my things together to head out the door this morning, the phone rings and the caller ID says Salvation Army.  I might let this one go but no….I pick it up.  The guy on the other end has a warm friendly attitude and tells me that a truck is coming through my neighborhood this week and wonder if I have any donations.  They have NEVER called me before with an offer like this.  Well, as a matter of fact, I do have several boxes that have been accumulating things for charity that I would be so happy to give them and as a matter of perfect timing, I also have been wanting to declutter in a few areas but have been procrastinating so maybe this is the perfect motivation to get me to do it.  So they are coming by on Thursday to pick stuff up!  Which is perfect!  Perfect!  Because I will not be home all day today but tomorrow I will and around just a few internet appointments and a visit from my Mom, I can declutter ferociously, making the best use of my time!  Perfect timing!  Motivation!  A deadline for completion!  An act of kindness towards me as they are picking it up and providing all that and I can be extra kind in my giving! Not even planned.  I was just open to be kind, to offer whatever I could.  I think this is what the week is about, to try to be extremely aware of all opportunities to be kind and then to participate.   It also seems like  a good idea to be extremely aware of how kind people are to me and how the universe supports us in this exchange.  It makes for a joyful life.   Now that seems like extreme kindness. 

As I picture my world, that is what I want.  All this flow of kindness going back and forth and all around and just inviting in some extreme kindness gave me an experience of what it feels like and I now invite more of this! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Time Mastery - Seize the Day!

Time is here, it is now, this is the only moment.  Seize it!  Make the most of it!  This moment is the present.  It IS the gift. 

One of the most significant things that one can do to change their life and begin to experience an amazing amount of joy, I mean an AMAZING amount, is to trust.  Trust the timing of everything.  Live in this moment…this one moment.  Live in it with such commitment that there is no need to worry about any other time and it will all flow, from this one, this one moment into the next with ease and grace.  Relax. Breath. Trust. 

This week, I put a few things out there for your consideration:

Get into the flow.  Trust that divine flow.  How do you do that?  Bring your focus to your heart and feel it there.  Feel that sense of unlimited all, that space of love.  It is there in that space, for you and for all.  If you can’t feel it, ask to feel it more and then trust whatever comes to you.  You will begin to build a connection with your heart and it will eventually give you very clear direction.  When you get into this flow regularly, return to it when ever you feel off….whenever things are not flowing.  Then trust. I can not say this enough…TRUST. 

Live in the present moment.  Remember those little fractals of space that also exist in time.  The timeline is perceived as longer when you focus on smaller segments.  Bring your focus into the smallest segment that you can muster.   You did this when you were a child, remember, you didn’t think about time or what you had accomplished or what you still had in mind for that day.  Remember, you just lived….in each moment.  Liberate yourself and reclaim that peace…this moment is the one that matters.  It is the one that you are experiencing right now…why throw it away to the future or the past.  Take it and enjoy it. 

Let go.  When you realize that you are operating according to expectations built from old memories, or from cultural or ancestral history,  stop and consider whether you want this in YOUR world now.  Are these ideas, these habits serving you well?  Remember Joe and the pattern he was stuck in from his childhood mornings….you may have something like that too.  Find it…root it out…decide to let it go…open to expand…to allow something new and better, some thing free and liberating…something joyful and omniscient.

We live with fast paced events and people surrounding us.  Their energy is saturating the environment and we can lose our selves in this sea of hyperactivity.  When you feel pushed, confused, overwhelmed or overtaken in this energy…make the deliberate choice to slow down.  Move, speak, breathe…slowly.  Put yourself in slow motion.  You have the power to control your own pace. 

As you go about your day…..ask for what you want.  Ask for help with things when you need support.  Ask for guidance and assistance.  Ask for anything.  Just ask. 

And finally, know that you have not yet seen your potential or the potential of humanity. As we expand our consciousness, we will see things that we can not conceive of today.   Our perception will open up and we will know and experience things that are now a mere fantasy, a dream, perhaps a hope, perhaps a vision, perhaps not yet even considered.  Remember that little you tube video about the progression of information….that is metaphorical for all kinds of other things.  We are on the cusp of universal and mind-blowing change.  Stay here…stay now… and jump in the game so you can delight in this joyride. 

 I am so happy to be here now and I am so happy that YOU are here too!  

If you enjoyed this post, please share it.  Thanks


Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Time Master's Workshop Day 7 - The Acceleration

Are We About to Enter a New Cycle of Time?

According to John Callaman, a scholar of the Mayan calendar, we will be entering a new phase of time in just a few days. According to Callaman’s study and calculations, on February 11th, (next Friday), we will be moving from the Galactic days into the Universal days.  During this new time period, time will accelerate by a factor of 20.  What took 12.8 years to unfold during the previous cycle will now happen in 260 days!  This sounds impossible!  And yet there is evidence of an acceleration of events, which are in part, do to the advancement of technology.  You might have seen this video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Brenman :

So much has changed in such a short period of time! Is this a reflection of our changing consciousness?  Does the human mind not have to evolve in the midst of this acceleration?  Is our survival going to be dependent on our ability to deal with this ever-increasing speed of progress?  How do we handle this as individuals?

I believe that whether the Mayan’s calendar or any of the other prophesies and scientific observations that coincide have any merit, something is going on with us here on planet earth and in order to have any chance of survival and possibly go far beyond that to thrive, we must begin to live with our consciousness operating in an expanded way.

After watching the video and seeing all that has happened in the last decade, what do you think the world will look like in another 5 years?  What will be required of us in order to thrive in this world of rapid change?

I present you with lots of questions today and tomorrow I will summarize the best practices for time mastery. 

Today’s challenges: 

1. As the speed of change has been accelerating in your life, what are the things that you have done to cope?   How are you adapting to this changing world? 

2. If you could retire, if you had the rest of your life to do whatever you desire, what would it look like? 

Thanks for taking this ride with me! 


Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Time Master's Workshop Day 6 - You Asked for It!

 Ask for It!  

One hot summer day, I was out with friends at a sand court playing beach volleyball.   The sky was blue and the sun was shining and we were getting uncomfortably hot.   What would be really nice in this situation is a little rain shower just to cool things off, so I asked.  I looked up to the sky and asked for a 15 minute light shower.   Though the sky did not look a bit like rain, within just 20 minutes, we got exactly that, a 15 minute shower of light rain and we all cooled off.  I have found that weather requests are very easy to get.  I have asked for rain in droughts and sun and sweet temperatures while camping. The sky delivers!   I put this request out with the preface:  If it is in the best interest of all beings...............Just ask.

This asking works in many areas and is one of the biggest and best ways to use time well.  I ask that I be guided and supported to use my time most efficiently  as a general request.  Then at other times I get specific and ask for help getting somewhere on time and easily.  When I need some quiet time, I ask for a space of that to be made for me a soon as possible and in the best interest of all. I have many more examples of requests that I make from time to time.  The forces of the universe are listening and they are willing to respond.  The seas will part, the way will be shown, your prayers will be answered.  Just ask. 

So, switching topics, how did you spend your week of joy?  I imagined myself immersed in an online self development course for the whole week.  In and around doing that work, I was lovingly preparing beautiful food and eating it alfresco with my family; painting ala "process arts" as I did at the Painting Experience Workshop last summer.  I might include an evening of community dancing or drumming and sharing food with friends and moments of love and sharing with all those around me. 

A Season of Joy and Freedom!
The challenge for today is to imagine taking the entire season of Spring and living it with the same joyful freedom that you imagined for that week in yesterday's challenge.  All your time is your own.  You are completely free to do whatever your heart desires.  Imagine that money is also no barrier and go at it with complete abandon.  Your time is unlimited so nothing else will suffer if you take this whole season for your self.  All the support you need is available.  What would you do? 

Please share your amazing Spring of Joy and Freedom!


Heart of Prosperity
Life coaching

Friday, February 4, 2011

Are you living your priorities?

”Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. “  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

How to Spend my Time?

I have a “to do” list in front of me today.  There are a few things on it that I have been putting off for no sound reason that I really feel that I need to get done and soon.  I have little stars by these items.  They are the “must do”s.  I can feel this inner pull to fritter away my time doing other things, distracting things.  The distractions are pulling at me like chocolate to a chocoholic.  In fact all my existing addictions are swimming around in my head as options.  They are escapes from this list of things that are important in my life but that I do not want to do. 

These items seem non-threatening.   Why am I trying to run from these things?  Some are just slightly out of my comfort zone….yes they are…and once completed they will lead to more things that are out of my comfort zone.  These are things that might bring me what I have dreamed about.  They might lead to new experiences.  Others on the list are chores.  They do not lead to anything new but they preserve something that I have already attracted or created.  If  I think about it, I think I might be tired of those things I am preserving.  Maybe it is time to move on or in some way change my relationship to those things.  So what are haunting me are both the future and the past.  Time to come back to the present moment. 

I realize that I have already determined that these things do matter to me right now.  In my heart I can feel that this is a good list.  If I stay present with them and look at them as things that I want to do now, and not bring the future or the past into the day, then I can do them and even enjoy it.  At the end of the day, I will feel really good about my self and my day. 

The sad thing is that if I do not do them, I might just say, “I didn’t have time for it”.  Well I do.  I have time for all the important things but I must do them.  I must identify them.  Look at them and see if I have any resistance so I can work through that and then get to it! 

I have been through this countless times.  I know how to deal with it.  I pause and take a little time to inquire within.  Who am I?  Why am I here?  What are my priorities?  What do I need to do right now to live my priorities?  What feelings are coming up when I think about this task?  What do I need to do to let go of the resistance?  Am I ready to do it now?  Every once in a while, I may even realize that the task in question is not really true to me.  It is not important, however, more often I am scared of something and I can deal with that. 

Sometimes through the day, I ask myself, “Are you living your priorities?”
I think it is particularly helpful when I catch myself with this icky feeling that I have been caught by one of my distractions.  I am immersed in it and I am not really having any fun, I am just doing it….sometimes the internet is my escape.  Why am I here?  What is the purpose of this?  Like many addictive things, they can be good and useful in moderation but they are also wonderful places to lose your “self” and escape from reality. 

I want to do good things with my life.  I want to have no regrets at the end of my 1000 years. I do have the same amount of time in each day as the many people who have made a tremendous impact on the planet.  I may or may not achieve their notoriety and that makes no difference to me.  There have been many people silently and diligently working to fulfill their purpose with a great deal of commitment and passion that we will never hear about.  But I want to fulfill that purpose, my purpose. I want to do what brings me joy and in my heart I feel that those two things are in alignment with each other.  What brings me joy, pure true joy, is my purpose.  I want to do that!   That is my priority!

Today’s Challenge:

You have one whole week of unscheduled, unscripted time to do what brings you the most joy.  Imagine that?  What does that look like?  7 Days of living for the joy it brings! 

I can’t wait to hear what you do with that? 

Sue Dolamore
Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time Master's Workshop Day 4 - Hey Joe, it's time to wake up!!

Hey Joe, Time to wake up!   

Joe gets up almost every morning to the sound of his alarm clock.  He hits the snooze button and steals another 10 minutes making himself now a little short on time.  He grunts and groans and gets out of bed and now the rushing around to get out the door into the traffic begins.  He has been doing this since he was 5!  Of course at age 5 it was kindergarten.  He and his siblings would be awakened by Mom or Dad and the chaos of the morning would begin.  Mom barking out orders and scurrying about making breakfast and lunches and making sure everyone had their homework and books, permission slips and whatever.  On some mornings, unexpected needs or mishaps would amplify this chaotic energy.  Joe still lives with all those memories embedded in his mind and in his every cell.  He does not look forward to mornings. 

It is a pretty common human experience to find yourself, at some point,  pinched for time and rushing around:  “I can’t find my keys”; “Sally, where are your shoes?” ; “Hurry up, we have to go!” or “ We are going to be late!”.  Yikes, Can you feel the distress?  Do you know this feeling? 

For me, it is a good day to let this go.   I want to tell every little cell in my body that I am erasing the effects of all of those chaotic experiences.  I want my subconscious mind to release all the associated beliefs:  that mornings are miserable, that there is not enough time, that I don’t manage my time well, that I am incompetent, and so forth.  I want to start with a clean slate. 

What if we approached that feeling of being rushed or overwhelmed in a new way? 
Instead of hurrying up, when things get crazy, deliberately slow down and move into a state of relaxed ease that everything is already, right now, in divine order.  Breathe. 
So when the world gets crazy and things are moving fast….(and this works because I have been using this for many years)….you deliberately slow down.  Slow your breath, your speaking, your walking, your moving…..just move into a slower motion, deliberately!  Try it!  It is very cool how it feels, especially in the midst of a crowd of people scurrying around but it works even when you are all alone and still feels really cool.  It feels like you are taking control of time, and you are.  You are also likely, jolting yourself out of a programmed habit and moving back into present moment awareness.  This is a great feeling and a big relief. 

(Using Noah St.John's Afformation technique to trigger the mind to find and embrace a new belief system...)
I will take you into the future, where you have new answers and ask you:  How did you get to this point where you are relaxed about everything?    Why is it so easy for you to get everywhere that you need to be at the perfect time?  How is it that you love mornings and seem to be at ease about time and your calendar?  When did you become so totally cool? 

After all that… I think you deserve an extra weekend of fun and enjoyment!  What would you do with a whole extra, unexpected weekend?  Would you take a trip?  Would you read good long book?  have a party?????

Sue Dolamore
Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time Master's Workshop Day 3 - The Unlimited Day

I have a confession to make, I was not putting my whole heart into thinking about what I would do with extra time.  I can't really explain it other than to say it just was not as much fun as the last game, when each morning I would think about having money.  Until yesterday......In the afternoon, I started to make a list of all kinds of things that I would love to do if I had the time, unlimited time. (Try it!)  I let myself really get into the space of believing that I could manufacture more time.   I let myself have the feeling that I could make a day as long as I wanted it to be, that I could do anything and this is exactly the expansive state that I needed to get into.  I loved the feeling!  I loved imagining that I could have, do and be so much, that I could experience everything that I want to experience, no limits. Believe that this IS possible. 

Part of what makes dealing with time a problem is it's seeming finite quality in this life.  Sure, you may believe that you are eternal and that time is infinite or that the only time is now but when you live your day, most of us run on a programmed belief that we will someday run out of time.  We will die.  You could make a bucket list but you might feel that there is no way to get to it all.  Death will knock on your door and that will be the end of it...the end of time for you at least.  To reinforce this program, you may look in the mirror and see yourself getting older.  Some of you might feel that there are things that it is too late to do already.  Oh, this is getting depressing and heavy....but what if you were able to put all those beliefs aside and live like you are an immortal.  ( OK, Pause just a second and really think about this.....What if you could be here, in this life,  as long as you want to be. Hold that vision for a bit and really feel it deep in your cells )  Start out with just pretending if you have to and allow that old program to fade away.  You might notice that you are feeling younger, that you have more energy, that you are making different choices and feeling very joyful.  You might notice that you are using all of your time more fully and that your life is expanding.  Your time is expanding!   You might even greatly extend your lifespan and get to everything on that list!  I say this because we are programmed to believe that we will only live some average lifespan of  say 75-80 years but there is much evidence that we could live much longer and perhaps even that could be extended.  I have always wondered about the truth in the bible that talks about people before the great flood living to almost 1000 years.  What if this were possible?  What if part of the big changes that are occurring now in human consciousness will bring us back to a time when we regenerate and live much longer and more vibrant lives. Imagine living with radiant health and abundant energy for 1000 years!

OK but maybe that is not really the problem, because I can hear some of you and what you are thinking.  Maybe you are  not sure that you really want to be here that long.  Maybe you are happy with putting in your time on earth for 80 years and leaving.  Is this you?  Maybe you are not really having that much fun here.  BIG QUESTION....WHY?  What is the root cause of this feeling?  Maybe it is time for a total life makeover.  Maybe it is time for you to move into your joy, your bliss and live each day in such a way that you would love to live that day again.  You can live in a new way, in a way that feels so good each day that you would want to be here for a very long time.  What if you were in a state of constant joy!  Just imagine.....

Why do it?  Because, by imagining it and holding the vision you begin to attract it.  It is step one in creating this for yourself.  If you feel you have a resistance to this, perhaps you would benefit from a coaching session where we could work through some of those blocks in the subconscious mind and cellular memory.  I can say from my own experience that it is very worth the time and energy to work on a deeper level.  It saves tons of  energy to go to the root of it.  

I hope you will have fun and play with the idea of being unlimited by time. 


Pause just a second and really think about this.....What if you could be here, in this life,  as long as you want to be. Hold that vision for a bit and really feel it deep in your cells, deep in each and every cell.  Ask and Intend that it be so. 

Imagine living with radiant health and abundant energy.
Imagine living the life that brings you joy.   
Ask and Intend that it be so.  

Make a list of all kinds of things that you would love to do if you had the time, unlimited time. Imagining that you can make your days as long as you want them to be.   You are unlimited by time.
Some of my list:  Learn to play an instrument, probably guitar; learn to speak Spanish;  travel to all kinds of places; do lots of process art; have a big garden and an orchard; hike a long trail; do a long distance group bike ride, learn ballroom dancing, etc....it's a big list.

Thanks for coming along on this ride! 

Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time Master’s Workshop – Day 2 :A Whole New Now!

A Whole New Now!

Yesterday was a piece of cake!  I managed to fit a movie in there among a very busy and productive day…at least in my imagination.  Today, it looks like I am actually going to go to a movie! 


Imagine that you have the whole day ahead of you.  Today is your lucky day because everything you had scheduled is up for revision, there is nothing that you must do and you can do anything you want.  If you love what is in the plan for the day, great; if you don’t, this is your invitation to re-imagine in a whole new way.   What will you do?  
What does your dream day look like? 

The Foundation of Time Consciousness is Now

While taking a walk one morning, I began to think about time.  I do not remember how my mind roamed there but I found myself picturing Mandelbrott’s fractal images.  A few days earlier I had watched his biography on PBS.  What was presented there was based in Math and mostly Geometry but he also applied these concepts to stock market action and other things.  I found it completely fascinating. 

“A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"

Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.
  —Mandelbrot, in his introduction to The Fractal Geometry of Nature

You may listen to him talk about roughness and fractals here on TEDtalks:

A basic question to demonstrate Mandelbrott’s work:  How long is the coastline of Florida?  If I measure this in miles I get one answer?  If I measure this with a yard stick, (36 inches, 91.44cm) I get a much longer distance.  If I go yet smaller and measure each and every inch, I get a very long distance. Why?  Because I am focusing on each bit and acknowledging  and perhaps even appreciating it.
The dimension of time has some similarities to space and while walking that morning, my mind began to consider this.  If you look at your time in days, you see the roughness of days, when you go to hours it gets more specific and you realize more happening there, when you go ever smaller down to minutes and seconds you get a very detailed view.  I believe that our perception of time changes much like our perception of a coastline by the fractals that we use to measure them.  What this means in practical terms is that if you live in smaller and smaller increments of focus, you end up with more.  Perhaps this is why almost all ancient and indigenous cultures live “island time”.  They can see that the measure of their coastline is infinite and they measure their time in the same way, by the now moment.  There is only the NOW.  Does this make sense?  So by focusing today on just the one smallest bit that you can bring yourself to consider, your perception of your day changes and it becomes longer. 

This, for me, has become the foundation of my consciousness about time.  From here, when I get very practical about time it continues to come back to the same basic concept, that we have more time and more ability to manifest what makes us happy by keeping our focus on the moment. 

More tomorrow….

I love hearing from you so thanks for all the comments and thoughts here, on facebook and via private messages! 

Sue Dolamore
Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching