Friday, November 11, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 11 – Make a Wish!

Happy 11-11-11!  What a beautiful day to celebrate your expansion!  Every day is a new day to write your story, to express your magnificence, to be all that you can be.  All of your visions can come into being.  Take your glory!  Make a Wish!  The world is truly waiting for all the good that you can do, for all the beauty that you can create, for all the love that you can share!  It is time to let go of what is left of your resistance and open, open wide and big and full like that moon in the sky today.  Shine like the sun! 

The prosperity game has a focus on money, but it is about so much more than that.  It is about giving you the opportunity to see what big things you can do when you let go of your fears and beliefs of not being good enough to receive the massive and unlimited abundance that Source is joyously delivering to you every minute.  You reside in a flow of gold.  Allow it to work with you, to be with you, to bring you resources, joy, love, wisdom and all that you need for nourishment on every level.  When it seems to be missing, imagine it, call it into your presence, ask for what you want, focus on what is good and working well, express your gratitude and you will have it all.  

Today, there is no limit for you!  You set your own amount today and every day from here on.  What else could you do with the more that is here? 

In order to challenge you, Source would like to encourage you to imagine all else that you have not yet expressed in the game and ask for what more you could enjoy and use to infuse the world with more healing, more beauty, more wisdom, more joy.  Ask for more than you have yet considered.  Put an approximate dollar amount on it so that your mind continues to expand in terms of worldly money.  This money has been called evil and certainly there are better ways to move physical commodities but for now, this is still something that humanity must bring light to and you will do that by embracing it, allowing it to be abundant, by sharing it, by shining with it and as this happens, prosperity will become so common that money will be unnecessary.  For now, Ask for it.  Call it to come now.   Be with it for a little while and allow yourself to be in the mirage for a period of time and then feel the thankfulness and joy that this vision contains.  It is here NOW!  You have brought it forth.  We thank you! 

So how much more can you spend?  Think Big.  Pull out all the stops because whatever you put your thoughts to today will begin to form into reality.  Please share, declare it out loud, tell the world, what have you come to do and what do you need to do it? 

Flow Daley,
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Inc.  

Ohh, how fun!  And how challenging!  I did not see that coming until this morning when I started to write. 

Every time I play this game I make some progress.  This time was super good for me and I knew that it would be.  I knew that I needed a round of the game.  Since I moved, my apparent incoming flow was cut by more than 50% and I have had concerns about how I would pay my bills.  Because of this, I had fallen back into some negative thinking and behaviors.  The game put me into unlimited thinking long enough for me to have a bigger vision and more courage to trust.  Trusting this unlimited flow has been a huge challenge for me over the years.  It requires what seems like an unavailable amount of courage at times to let go of the fear and the beliefs that have been so deeply engrained in my cells and my subconscious. The task of clearing out those limiting elements and replacing them with certainty that there is total potential available to me has taken time.  Even as I know how this works in my spirit and in my conscious mind, making it work in the 3D realm has required diligence.  It is so for most of us. 

Once again, I am bigger.  I have expanded.  I also find that after this course of the game, I have some homework.  I have this habit of saving money, which has not been completely bad, however, I realized this time how much I have held myself back.   I have a personal spending account that is all for me. Once the bills are paid and a little is put into savings, the remainder is split between my husband and I to use in any way we like.   Through our decades of marriage, I have spent a little of this and put some aside.  I have had many ideas of what I would do with it and some of it I have done, but I feel now that I just don’t use enough of it. I have felt that for a long time but I wasn’t letting go of it.   I have feared that if I used it, I would be left with no back-up money,  but yesterday, I began to spend it and I plan to continue to do that.  I have set some goals for myself to spend a minimum of 25% of it each month.   Even with that, it will never be empty because more will arrive before I ever need it all for anything.  How is that for a belief!  I counted it up and calculated what that would look like if nothing were added and I can see that I will be having spending sprees for months, meaning I will be spending more and being more generous than ever for quite some time and most likely…forever!  I can get some of those things that I imagined in the game right now.  In fact yesterday, I put in orders online for several things and I plan to go out today and buy a few more things in town.  One of the things that I will test is that belief that the more you get the energy flowing, the more it will flow so if that is true, I ought to have more and more and MORE flowing to me now.  The account will never be empty and it may never even diminish.  I shall see. 

I will continue to share my journey to the unlimited with you in my blog and on facebook so if you want to see how this all ends up, stay tuned. 

I hope you all enjoyed this round.  I loved sharing it with you.   I feel a strong connection with you and what you shared, especially those that played and shared so much each day.  I would love to give you a big hug! 

Now today is that day….11-11-11….time to Celebrate.  I have been physically tingling with the beautiful energies all week, at times being hit with fatique and at other times buzzing with it.  Today I will get out into the woods, take in some solar rays, immerse myself in salty water, sit by a fire and enjoy all the elements.  I am going into town to celebrate my abundance by shopping for a few fun things and treating my husband to lunch at a favorite spot.  This is my 3D life. I trust.  I TRUST!   I trust that there will be many many more days just as lovely for me and for you!  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 10 - More Coming Every Day!

Good Day to All,

Today is Day 10!   Source Inc. is happy to deliver $89,000 to you today.  Delight in your abundance!  There is more coming every day.  We hope that you are beginning to see more and more of your desires manifesting in the world.  You have beautiful ideas and the world will benefit if you open and allow this flow to come into your 3D reality now.  Every day is a good day to ask and intend to receive that which is for the highest good of all and that mean you too. 

Enjoy this day to the fullest!

Flow Daley
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Inc. 

Hi all lovely people,
I will write my post for the day later.  My internet is going down for service any minute and I must get this up so you can play!  Enjoy!  I will be.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 9 - What do you Intend to do with all that Money?


Things are going so well!  New channels of flow are opening up every day!  The system is beginning to work more efficiently than ever and we have you to thank for that.  We at Source applaud you today for expanding and opening!  We are elated at how quickly and easily you are assimilating this new prosperity! 

Today we are pouring $55,000 out to each of you to enjoy and use as you like.  
As the money increases more and more of you are sharing it with organizations that provide aid and assistance.  This is a beautiful thing and something that raises the energy for the whole of humanity.  Before you give, we invite you to imagine what kind of healing and what kind of feeling you want this money to help generate.  We tell you this because all organizations are not the same and some are not getting the results that you might hope to see.  Rather than sending money off because you have logically deduced that it is needed in a certain area and have found an organization that focuses in that area, set an intention in your visioning process and ask to be guided to the place where that goal or intent can best be accomplished.  Trust what you intuit and joyfully send that money connected to that intent. 

May your day  be joyfilled! 

Flow Daley,
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Hi all, 
$55000 Whoo Hoo!  Already at Day 9.   11-11-11 is only a couple of days away. I can feel myself opening wide to receive all blessings!  

I went for a walk yesterday evening and enjoyed a gorgeous sunset.  I am so fortunate to have manifested this place where I live which is surrounded in beauty.  This is something I worked on creating in the years past and I want to acknowledge how well imagining what you want can work.  Every time I walk the trails that surround my home, I feel appreciation for this place and for the knowledge of how to magnetically attract what is in alignment with my being.  

Today I can hire a construction crew and some painters.  I'll have the stone work done on the first floor exterior, have the decks repaired, power-washed and stained.  I'll add an access hallway to the lower floor bathroom for guests to use.  Then the foundation for the garage/guest house will get started.  I am not really sure how much that will be but I am certain that $55000 is enough to start it all and more will arrive by the time I need it to put up finishing touches.  I also plan to go into town to replace an old TV with a new internet ready TV and I'll  purchase a small gas stove for the basement and have that installed too.  My hope is to create a very comfortable space for visitors who will come here for relaxation and rejuvenation.  I see myself enjoying their visits and feeling great about the space that I have provided for them.  

I think I will also go out for lunch.  Sue. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 8 - Gratitude is a Strong Magnet

Happy 8! 

Today is Day 8!    I see even now, new people are coming into the game.  How exciting!  It's never too late to start playing.

The numbers are getting bigger and so are the dreams of what to do with it.  Of course, this is all relative to where you are with money today.  To some, it is easy to spend $1000 in a day right now without blinking and eye and to others, even $10 of spending must be carefully considered.   What if that number could dissolve completely and you did not even have to think about the dollar amount, only the value that something had in your life and what it's effect would be on the good of all.  How would the world change if all began to realize that the Source is GENEROUS and UNLIMITED?  The purpose of the game, in part, is to put you into a space where for at least a bit of your day, you can feel that generosity and unlimitedness that is available to you.

The more you enjoy the flow that is coming the more will follow!  It is almost like a magnet or a vacuum that gets stronger the more you use it, so use it!  Appreciate it!

Gratitude is one of the energies that has a strong magnetic pull, so strong in fact that you can put the majority of your focus on that and you will see amazing results.  If you would like to upgrade this delivery of abundance to an even higher level, put some of your focus each day on gratitude.  What are you feeling thankful for today?

Once you spend a bit of time on that, you'll need some time to imagine what you have done with the very generous flow that continues to arrive!  Today, you have $34,000!!!!

With much appreciation for you being here in this little game and in the bigger game that is called your life!  Celebrating with gratitude that you are you!

Flow Daley,
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Hi all, 
I hope you are enjoying this game and beginning to feel more expanded in the area of prosperity.  Every time I play this game I get a bit of new insight or clearing.  It is one that can be repeated many many times with benefit.  It can be done for one day or a whole year or any amount in between.  I do it on a day when I feel confined in the area of money.  I am thinking it might be a good thing to do at tax time or when balancing the budget.  So yesterday I got my new car.  I, like Angie, who commented  on the facebook page ( , took her out for a spin.  I decided that my new car and the Blue Ridge Parkway should spend an afternoon together so we made that happen, with a hike and a picnic to boot.  I had a delicious Caprese Salad, good crusty bread and raspberries with chocolate.  I enjoyed the day with my husband and daughter.  The weather was luscious as was the company, the drive, the hike and the picnic.  Sue

Monday, November 7, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 7 - Keep Your Connection Clear

Welcome to Day 7!

I am delighted that you are all still open to receive!  Source Inc. has unlimited resources to distribute as gifts and we are overjoyed to be able to find people who want to receive!

New money is made every day, every minute even!  This will not stop when your game ends.  The game is working in your imagination but I hope you realize that the things that you "seed" in your imagination are possible in your every day reality.  Look for more and more abundance to enter into your life as you continue to imagine.  Take some time to feel what it would be like if you where able to do all those things that you imagined.  Really feel it.  The image is the design but the feelings are the fuel that bring it to you.  It may start small or show up in a big way, that will depend on your beliefs about attracting what you want.  

Our delivery grid is functioning perfectly now so in order for you to receive this flow provided by Source Inc, continue to check in with yourself to feel that alignment with the flow.  Your personal connection to that flow lies within your heart.  That is where you are able to hook into that delivery grid.  Keep that connection clear. 

Today you have $21000 go spend.  Have fun!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Today I get my car!  It has AWD, it’s green and it has room for all of the stuff we want to be able to haul.  It is comfortable and roomy and gets great mileage.  It is reliable and easy to maintain and it is now parked in my driveway !!!   I feel very pleased to be able to get this new car.  Thanks Source!  Sue

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 6 - Shine! Shine! shine!

Good Day!

It is a very good day today because the money continues to flow and it is getting wider!  Today you have $13,000 to spend on anything that your heart desires.  It just gets better each day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

The question that Jo posed was, "How would you deal with someone who would constantly harass you or try to guilt you to give, give, give" and more generally How do you deal with those who don't celebrate your success but rather have a negative response? 

And in processing, Jo came to a very good conclusion, 
"Perhaps if I remain impassive/non-judgmental and send higher vibrations towards them, it may have an effect"
Yes, be the change.  Be humble, generous, compassionate etc...but at the same time, don't hide your magnificence. Shine.  With love, show more of who you really are.  

As we free ourselves of limiting beliefs, we bring in more and more flow.  We can become the embodiment of love with unlimited access to everything; constant flow, abundance, bountiful, unceasing total prosperity. What we can not do, is change that for others.  The whole thing is set up from Source the way it is for a reason.  Source will send you constant energy and you can use it, block it, etc.  Even though it is there, we may not receive it. Then again we may and this is so when you become one with that Source flow.  You may be able to receive for you but you can not override the blocks of others.  Even if you are generous with them, they will experience and feel the lack that they have according to their own beliefs and perceptions.  What you can do is hold the vibration of pure love and total and unlimited access to the abundant goodness and beauty of Source.  Do not cover it or hide it, and yet, there is no need to press it or flaunt it.  Just holding the energy is enough to allow it to have an effect and it is effortless for it is what you are and so you are just being what you are!  If you stay in alignment with what you are, there is no inclination to apologize.  You are a magnificent, radiant, vibrantly alive expression of this energy and that is what you are here for.  Just to be that.   WE, humanity, need everyone that can to step up now and be that.  Be what you are!  Be love!  You may have a positive effect on those around you in this way, though it may not be expressed in that way for love brings up all things unlike itself,  (think crucifixion, the reaction Jesus got was not so good, eh?) , but WWJD (What would Jesus Do?)  Keep shining!!!  Keep expressing pure love without pride or ego.  Check in with your heart, clear any debris in the form of residual fear, limiting beliefs and perceptions and feel the love and then hold that.  I believe that if I come into that alignment, what I exude energetically is the best I can give.  Then I am standing in, holding and emitting that purity of my heart which is identical to Source.  It is pristine energy coming through me and being shared out into the world.  It feels good just to think about it.  Sure hope I, you and we can pull this off!  

Let's bring it! 


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 5 - Can you Handle $8000 in one day?

We are on Day 5!  It is very rewarding to see what you are doing with this fabulous abundance!  You are upgrading your ability to function at your full potential!  You are sharing and enjoying more of the beauty and wonders of the world.  You are feeding your senses!  This is exactly what is meant for you!  You deserve to have these things.  All of you do.  Everyone on Earth! And there is enough to go around.  Keep it flowing by giving of your talents, your heart, your love and you will see that there is so much here. You will all thrive!!!

Oh the amount for today is $8000!!  Have a super great fun time with it.  You can spend it on anything!

Flow Daley,
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Yesterday was lovely for me.  I had lunch with a friend in town again.  This time we picked up food at the local market deli and ate lunch there.  Afterwards we shopped!  I got beautiful Andean wool scarves, hats and gloves for my family.  They are Fair Trade and hand made and in the most beautiful color combinations.  Moving from the subtropics into this temperate climate with so many frosty mornings has shown me that we will use them well.  I dropped $190 on those.  Then I bought a sampling of living foods, including entrees, salads and desserts from the Live Food section of the store and brought those home for the family to share for our largest meal of the day in the early evening.  It was all incredibly delicious and beautiful!  I gave the store food drive $300 for Thanksgiving meals for those who haven’t upgraded their cash flow yet.  Then a little more market shopping and I found a few more treats and yummy foods.  I dropped my friend off at her place.  Then I went to the big box hardware to order all custom made thermal window treatments for my house.  My windows are not covered yet and it will save me energy and allow me easier privacy.  Those ended up costing me $1165.  The remainder will go towards adding gutters all around the house and the beginnings of a rainwater catchment system for this place.  If you played the game with me before, some of these things are repeats but the last time I played I was not even in this house yet so now that I am here, I can really see these things happening, much more real.  Living in this beautiful place was just a vision then and now here I am!  I hope by the time we play again, I will have made these improvements and will have brand new inspiration.  For now, I keep visualizing and feeling it. 


PS.  I am working on a response to jo from her comments yesterday, though I am traveling today so I may not get it done and posted until tomorrow.  Thanks everyone for playing with so much enthusiasm and passion and for sharing that with us! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 4 - People are Talking.

Good Morning,

Today is a new day and with every new day there is more abundance and love delivered to you from an unlimited bounty from Source.   It continues to be transmitted unceasingly.  Today you will have $5000 and you may spend it on anything, ANYTHING! 

Oh and I have another tip today!  It is actually a bit of an exercise to see how comfortable you are with having more prosperity around you all the time and every day.  What would happen if you told someone, a relative or friend, who knows nothing about the game what you are doing with your money today as if it were a 3D truth?  Make it real and if you do it for real…MORE POWER TO YOU!   For example:  You have decided to spend your $5000 on a month of travel to an exotic and luxurious place or…..maybe you are giving $3000 to your favorite charity and spending the remaining $2000 to hire a personal chef for all the big holiday events of the year.  Now that you know what you want to do with the money, imagine telling it to 5 people that you know?  Is it easy?   Does it go well?  Do you sense that any of them would judge you?  Do you sense that any would feel jealous?  Would any of them feel angry that you are doing this instead of helping them or another person close to you get out of a financial jam? Would they be talking about your expenditures?  Are they happy for you?  Do they want to know more about your plans and how you got this idea?   What kind or reaction do you get?  Is it the same with all 5 people?   If there is any discomfort, it is something to look at and may point you to a block to clear.   Allow yourself to move into being open, confident, and secure about your new prosperity.  Allow yourself to be who you are truly meant to be; a happy, fulfilled, prosperous person.  Show the world your magnificence!  As you read the things that other people are doing with their prosperity, you can see what good would come to this world if all of us would accept this unlimited flow which is truly there for each of us.  The world needs to have as many, even all, move into claiming the birthright of this flow from Source so that all the beauty and goodness can become realized.  There is more than enough for EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE!  It is flowing to YOU right now!  It is coming to you effortlessly, like the breezes that blow by, like the sun that shines down, like the water that flows over you, like the greenery that grows up from the earth.  It is even stored like that which is in the ground beneath you.  It is everywhere!  Sense this abundance, breath it in, that is how it is delivered and then with your thoughts it takes on just the form that you desire, easily, effortlessly, joyfully!  It is there for YOU!  

Have a joyous day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Flow got right down to business today and she had a lot to say.  I will keep my comments brief.  I spent my $3000 on home improvements.  I have the remainder of the work on all my floors completed and I decided to go with natural stone tiles on the lower floor.  It looks gorgeous!  Sue

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 3 - It's REAL

We are so happy to provide you with a continuous flow of abundance!  It can make a big difference in the world when you begin to live out your dreams, creating a life that is full and rich.  You will find that you are able to reach your full potential and to share many good things with others.  You are able to afford the highest quality goods from the best and fairest producers, those that care about the people and the planet and also want to build a better world.

I am so glad that you are still in the game.  Today you have another $3000.00 to spend on whatever you want but spend it all today.  Think about what you would most like to have happen today and use this money to support that now.

Oh and just a heads up.  This is the last day that your allotment will increase by $1000. Each day from here until day 11, you will see a greater increase and it is going to get even more exciting!!!!

Keep sharing your journey with each other.  You are making good things happen for yourself and all those playing and watching.  Soon you may begin to hear some stories of unexpected prosperity coming into the hands of our players and possibly, even you!

And that brings me to my tip for the day.  I do not always have a tip for the day but today I do!  Most of you are playing this game in your hearts and minds but not seeing the arrival of these things in your 3D reality yet. YET! Though  I can assure you that the potential is unlimited and all that you have envisioned may arrive in your life now.  So I suggest that you put something on your list today that you are going to take immediate action to acquire.  You might ask for it from friends, freecycle, or other exchanges, or you might purchase it, or take some action to get it going.  My tip is to make some part of it REAL today, now.  If you make one little thing of the day real, it allows the whole list to be carried a little closer into the material realm, especially if you enjoy it in the context of thinking about the rest of the list.  For example: Drink that bottle of wine that you imagine enjoying on the beach in Mexico now.  Don’t wait.  Go get it and have it with a nice meal this evening, sitting out on your front porch with someone dear and then take just a few minutes to imagine Mexico.  Try it!  How does it feel!  Let that feeling soak in, relish it.  You’ll be calling that travel agent before ya know it! 

Tip Summary:  Make a little part of your dream real right now!  

Then tell me your story.  I want to know what kind of creative things you will come up with today!  Enjoy your day to the fullest! 

Flow Daley,
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Hi all, 
I just thought I would let you know how things are going for me.  I spent my $2200 on a new computer chair that is so comfy and well made.  I also placed an order for a bed for my daughter who has been asking to upgrade to a full size since she has grown to be very tall.  I added  a comfy sleeper sofa so I can accommodate a few more guests here at the new house.  I am imagining happy times with friends and family visiting us in our new place and I see them feeling relaxed and comfortable.  That covered it with just enough left over to buy chocolate bars for me and family members that will be visiting soon.  Those are for real!  I am having a great time playing with all of you!  Thanks!  

BTW.  I am so happy that the prosperity game is being played right now in the time when the energies of early November are feeling pretty potent.  11-11-11 Wow. It feels like the perfect time for expanding my capacity for abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life.  By the time we wrap up this game it will be almost time for the celebration of Thanksgiving in the US so it seems I will slide right into daily gratitude exercises and then the season of giving to others follows with the Winter Holidays.  Topping it all off with my Vision board making party, which has become a New Year's tradition and I am looking forward to a plethora of delights!! 

I am off to enjoy another prosperous day. 
I wish you the same!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 2 - Money Continues to Flow!

Prosperity Game 11-2-11  Day 2

Dear Magnificent and Beautiful You,

We hope you enjoyed the prosperity of day one of our new delivery system.  It was delightful to hear your feedback and appreciation!  We can assure you that this flow is unlimited, entirely real and constant.  By participating with us you have activated your account for this new level of service and it will continue according to your intentions and beliefs.  You may begin to see more and more prosperity in your 3D reality.  This is a very exciting time for us and for all! 

Today, we have delivered another $2220.00 through the grid’s material distribution system to your door.  You may use it for anything that pleases you and there is more coming tomorrow so we encourage you to enjoy all of it in the now! 

Source Inc. would like to thank you for taking advantage of our upgraded delivery system.  As we broaden our systems to ensure you an unlimited flow of abundance we have encountered numerous areas of stagnation within the system that are causing some delays in delivery.  These are not part of our new grid network, but residual accumulations from the old system.  In order to help us to improve the quality of our delivery, we are asking our recipients to assess their domains for stagnation, clutter and generally unused accumulations and redistribute those to places where they may be used for the good of all.  There are drop locations in your area for any excess that you may find in your domain.  Non-material accumulations may be released by intention and command.  Source Inc. may be called upon for support at will.  Just ask!  You may attend to this in your own comfortable time frame but we encourage you to do it in order to expedite the efficiency of the new delivery system for the good of all.  In addition, it will make you feel amazing to have a clear and open space for living joyfully.  

In any case, there is an unlimited flow available to all, which includes the material as well as an abundance of love, joy and peace.  There is beauty, truth and goodness in bountiful amounts.  Enjoy this day to the fullest! 

With love and blessings for you,

Flow Daley
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Incorporated

Wow!  Yesterday was so fun!  I really enjoyed sharing this game with the many who played and shared.  It is only day 2 and I am feeling so much joy in this flow!  

Yesterday I spent all of my $1111.00.  I met a couple of friends in the city and took them out for lunch.  My treat! 

We had appetizers of Smiling Hara Grilled Marinated Tempeh with Organic Purple Sauerkraut….Raw Spinach-Pesto Manicotti, (Zucchini noodles stuffed with live sunflower-spinach pesto, cashew ricotta, and fresh basil served
over sun-dried tomato marinara with house-marinated olives) and for dessert: Mayan Chocolate pound cake!  It was so delicious!!  Then I strolled through the Arts District and found a potter that makes the most beautiful dinnerware pieces.  I spent almost all of the rest of my money there.  She makes these gorgeous pieces with glazes of deep brown, almost black, various rich blues and touches of bright and rusty reds.  I bought serving bowls, platters, and various accessory pieces to complement my current stoneware.  I am elated at these pieces and love buying locally made-by-hand artisan products. I am looking forward to using them for Thanksgiving Dinner later this month and for many days after that.   My final stop of the day was at the food market for some of the best olive oil, chocolate and fresh vegetables and fruits to celebrate this bountiful day with my family. Sue. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11-1-11 Prosperity Game Day 1

Hi all you beautiful people.  I am so excited to begin this round of the Prosperity Game. 
The game is designed to help you expand in the area of receiving.  Wherever you are with that right now, you can upgrade!  There will be much shared in the coming 11 days by me and other players.  I hope that you will feel much joy while you play and also realize this exercise spilling into your 3D life, helping to attract many new and beautiful things into your world.  I also hope that you will share what you are going through with here in the comments or on the facebook page at  In my own experience, hearing other people's stories is one of my very MOST favorite parts of playing the game! 

A brief intro to the game and how to play: 
This is a virtual money game.  Each day you will "receive" an amount to spend on that day.  The amounts will increase as the game progresses.  Everyone has a "ceiling" somewhere.  This is the amount of money that you feel that you are worth receiving.  If you look around  at your life, you will know about what these numbers are.   You can ask yourself?  What is the most that I think I could make in an hour of work?  (That is a ceiling)  What amount of cash do I usually carry with me?  (That is a ceiling)  What is the largest gift of cash anyone would ever give to me?  etc....  We are going to blow through some of those and change our beliefs.  Just by playing this game, you will give your subconscious mind some work to do in trying to figure out how you are now receiving amounts of money and happily spending it and that subconscious mind of yours will go to work on rooting out the beliefs that are no longer compatible with this reality of receiving.  That is why, as we play, we use language as if this has already truly happened in our lives.  When you post comments, please post as if this money has arrived and already been used. 

So let's get started!!

Imagine that this morning you wake up to find a white envelope sitting on your doorstep.  It clearly has your name on the envelope and is meant for you.  You open it, and inside is a letter and a check for $1111.00 US cash.  The letter reads,

"Dear (insert your name here, this is specifically for you),

Congratulations!  You have been upgraded to our highest level of flow.  As we restructure our grid systems, we at Source, are now able to ensure the highest capacity of broadband abundance will be accessible by all.  You are now in this new area of flow and are eligible to begin receiving today! 

I am overjoyed to send you this first gift of cash to participate in this upgrade.  As you are receiving this now, you have chosen to participate in this experience of constant and unlimited access to all that the new delivery system has to offer. 

Please take advantage of all the features of this broadband connection.  You may ask for material goods, which are easier than ever to deliver to your door and you may also ask for restoration of your own physical system, improved connections with the people around you and much more.  Why you can ask for anything that you would like to experience or acquire.  We are Source ask only that you allow us to consider the good of  all before delivery. 

Please take full advantage of this by spending all of today’s check.  Yes, every last cent.   I will also make a strong, very strong suggestion, that you spend it on personal things that are just for you and for your pleasure and enjoyment.  I heard the word, (yes, I am listening) that some of you were going to get new tires for your car, buy a well for an African village, fix the plumbing in your home and I say, no no NO!  Today, I want you to buy yourself some special things to honor yourself and recognize how beloved you are.  Love yourself with this money.  There will be a continuous flow coming in the days ahead and plenty of money for all those other things you were thinking of, so, release your guilt, your unworthiness, and your over active sense of spirituality and blow the whole pile on you.  Have fun and share with each other, not the money, the experience! 

This upgrade is available to all so please invite your friends to join us!  We are prepared to deliver this level of flow to all!  There is enough for EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. 

Tomorrow’s check will be even bigger and there is more coming each day!  We are so happy to have you here!

Flow Daley,
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Incorporated

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Brief Introduction to Tomorrow's Game

The prosperity game was originally introduced by Esther and Jerry Hicks from Abraham and takes a full year to complete. At Heart of Prosperity we play a compressed but very effective version of the game. For 11 days, players have a sum of money to "spend" , each day more than the last. Using language that puts you in the now reality of having this abundance of money, players declare how they spent the sum of the day. By projecting ourselves into the of prosperity and speaking as if it is happening now, we create the energy to magnetically bring it forth into the present. By sharing with others we even further make real this event. Amazing things have happened for players while playing and after playing the effects continue. I can not even express how fun it is. You have to get in the game and play it to feel the potential. I hope many will give it a try.

Consider playing with friends, with your local groups, or on your own facebook page, on your blog, or around the dinner table.  Kids can play too.  Anyone can play and the more we all share it, the more we build this energy of abundance for all.  There is enough, more than enough, for EVERYONE...EVERYWHERE!! 

Tomorrow will be the first day of the game here at Heart of Prosperity for this round of the game.  We will play from 11-1-11 to 11-11-11. 

You can play along here on the blog or play with us on facebook at

I am looking forward to playing along with many of you!


Prosperity Game Starts Tomorrow!

When you play the prosperity game with us, you put yourself into this space. Practicing the purity of your signal to get on the channel of abundance. It is time for all of us to be 100%! Join us tomorrow for day one! 
Do it in Hours, Not in Years! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Leaving Security to Follow my Crazy Heart

My husband and I  recently took a big leap, moving from a home the we have lived for 30 plus years.  What we left behind is a close knit and loving circle of friends and community, a household income that was sizable and kept us quite comfortable, family, home, a routine, familiar weather, familiar sources for food and basics…..

We left for several reasons.  One was a a clear message from Spirit that it was time to move to the Asheville area in North Carolina.  Spending part of my summers in Maine at the home of my German grandparents as a youngster seeded a strong desire to garden, forage and play in the temperate eastern woodlands, with their moist vibrant greens, rich diversity of useful plants, multitudes of rocks and streams, and the colorful variations of the seasonal changes. 

From the beginning of this vision to move, it took three years to manifest the reality.  It was a slow process of detaching and releasing from the old place.  Our roots there were deep and well planted.  Bit by bit, we  cut each part until the whole was free to go.  Now we have done it.  We are here, sitting in our new place with many  familiar things around us but in a whole different space.  It feels a little surreal.  Our roots are beginning to acclimate to an entirely new ecosystem.  It will take some time to build a sense of place.  

Because my husband left his job, our household income is greatly reduced.  Can we make it on what we will have coming in now?  How?  This is a big deal for me.  I know, I am the “heart of prosperity” person but what better time to face that fact that the phrase, “healer, heal thyself”  applies to me.  I took this prosperity issue on because I was raised by a mother who lived in Germany during World War II, surviving on scanty rations, and a father who grew up in the Italian section of Chicago during that same time with similar beliefs of scarcity.  My parents were depression/war children and they feared the lack of things.  It was very common to hear anti-prosperity propaganda all through my childhood.   With that as my primary influence, I grew up as accumulating rather than spending for fear of what is coming.  For many years, I watched my parents deprive themselves of many many pleasures even when they could afford otherwise.  While I was greatly affected by this, in the mid 80’s I was introduced to my first “prosperity consciousness”  teachers and began the work of undoing those belief systems.  Every now and then, the old stuff comes up again.  I am a work in progress. 

So leaving behind a good measure of financial security to follow my crazy heart and adjust to living on 1/3 of what has been our household income has resulted in a challenge that seems designed to ream out every remaining fear that I have about the constancy of the generous flow that comes from the source.  That flow that I often picture as a huge waterfall, flowing bountifully over my head and all around me. 

There are moments when I am challenged to remember what I know to be true.  Like on the day we arrived at our new home, having left behind that secure income, we find that the hot water heating system is not working.  Not only not working, but not fixable.  We need a whole new system installed and the price is one that knocks me back, back into my fear about whether this unlimited and continuous flow of abundance can be trusted.  I know that I am out of alignment and I must get back into that space of trust and knowingness.  I remind myself to imagine what I want, to feel the gratitude for all that I have and all that is yet to come. Trust, Trust TRUST.   I get there.  I end up repeating this exercise multiple times over this first week in the new place as I see all the things that will be needed to bring my dreams into being. 

I plan to share my experiences for those that might think of doing something similar or for those who want to but have not yet felt comfortable enough to LEAP.  What would it be like to leave the security of your current situation to follow your heart’s call?  Please share your stories too.  I value your encouragement and experience. 
I think it is time for a round of the prosperity game…and soon.  It is just the thing to keep me in the center of the flow and I love playing it with others so look for that on my facebook page, (,  in the near future.  

Heart of Prosperity

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Moving Experience

I’ve been taking care of various aspects of my move all month and now as the month of September comes near to a close, the final bits will be done and I will be settling in a new home.  Sometime in the next day or two, my computer will get packed up and put on a truck.  I don’t expect to post much during that time as it will depend on availability of access and free moments amidst the busyness of relocating. 

In recent days my cat has become increasingly skittish, knowing that something strange is up for her.  She is not going to like the two days of staying in an unknown place while her life is up-rooted only to find herself boxed into a car for 9 hours of driving to parts completely foreign to her.  I know where I am going and mostly why.  I have had time to adjust to the idea but for her this is the end of a world and the beginning of a new one.  

It may be just as much of a change for me as I have put roots down deep in this land and the community that I am leaving.   Because I was born here and lived all my life no more than 20 miles from that portal where I entered at the hospital in downtown Orlando, I have taken my time and spent the last three years gently preparing for this transplantation, pulling up the roots little by little and setting things up for an easy move.  Now the last of that is nearly done.  I have said many goodbyes and see you laters; I have packed most of what I will take, given away what will not be needed and cleaned up what is left.  I am preparing this place that I now sit in for a new family and I am very happy that they will have such a special place to live.  I have deep appreciation for my good fortune in having lived in these beautiful woods with all of the animal residents, flowing waters, bright skies and fresh breezes.

I have many things that I want to share with you in the near future and plan to blog more regularly once I settle in up in the mountains.  I will share with you how almost every aspect of my life is changing in this time.  I am leaving behind a huge and generous community, a regular comfortable income, and face-to-face time with a couple of grown children, my parents and various other siblings and their offspring.   I am going out on a limb to test my own proficiency at manifesting and I will share more details of that soon.  

If you have gone through similar transitions in your life, feel free to share comments, significant memories or bits of advice.  

I will be raring to go for another round of the prosperity game in late October or early November.  It feels like the perfect time to begin work on visioning more beauty and goodness for my new environment.  I hope you will wait for me for a week or two while I make this change.  I will come back with much to share and I hope that YOU will join me and perhaps even invite a friend to share the journey here and play the next round of the Prosperity Game at

Sue Dolamore
Heart of Prosperity

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sacred Economics: the lastest book from Charles Eisenstien.

I have had a multitude of things I want to blog about lately but I am in the midst of a big move and I am not finding the time or mood for actually doing the writing.  I'll get to it eventually and let you know what I am up to but for now, I really wanted to share this with you. 

This comes from my friend, Charles Eistenstein and concerns his latest book:

Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
I have been inspired by his work and you may be too. 

Hello everyone,

I've been looking forward to writing this email for a couple years now, and the day is finally here. My new book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition, is now in print. I'll offer a description below that you can cut-and-paste to tell others about this book. To purchase it, ask at your local independent bookstore, or you can order it on Amazon, B&N, etc. It will also be available on line (for free), serialized on Reality Sandwich. The first several chapters are up already. Even if you buy the print version, you might want to offer comments there.

Essentially, the book describes a money system that is the ally of a healed world, a money system that no longer contributes to the despoliation of nature, culture, and the human spirit. It explains:
how money came to be what it is today
how and why we have entered a state of irremediable crisis
how the present crisis is birthing us toward a new kind of economy
the psychological and civilizational dimensions of the economic transition
concrete features of a sacred economy, and the economic logic behind them
policies to bring about the transition to sacred economy
how individuals can begin living its principles today

... and lots more. It weaves together economic arguments, philosophical and spiritual insights, original ideas, and long-standing intellectual traditions. Many of the policy recommendations of this book are outside the spectrum of mainstream political and economic discourse. However, I believe that as the present crisis worsens, that as it becomes apparent that "normal" isn't coming back, that as the institutions of the old system crumble at an accelerating pace, people will be looking for new ideas, and what was once radical will become commonsense. I believe that time is soon upon us. I urgently hope that these ideas will spread quickly. They are desperately needed. There isn't much more of the world that we can convert into money.

If you are moved by this book, please help spread the word.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Prosperity Game- Day 2- Judging the Rich

We are on Day 2 of the Prosperity Game.  Barely getting started really and already I have a strong feeling coming forth about the challenge.  It has to do with judgement!   It reminds me of an experience some ten years ago, when the stock market was going nuts.  People were doubling money in a stock in one day.  In a month some of them could double several times.  I had a little money in the market with a broker and began to play one of these hot stocks.  It was a little biotech company working with stem cells. One day it doubled and then it doubled again maybe a week later.  It continued to go up and up.  My money was growing faster than I had ever seen or even thought possible.  It was exciting and I was terrified! 

Some of you are probably asking Why?  It surprised me very much too. Heck, I thought I would be happy to win the lottery.  I thought I could easily handle “easy money”.  I had always thought that I wanted more money flowing in…easily.  We had big bills to pay and many unfulfilled needs at the time.  Wasn’t this a Godsend.  Yes it was and I couldn’t handle it.  Because I could hear the voices of some family members in my head saying things that I had heard them say before.  “Playing the market like that is ridiculous!”  “It does no good for anyone.”  And others saying, “Where did you get that money?” 

There were many collected beliefs that I had gathered from multitudes of experiences over the years.  Comments had been made about wealthy people, corruption, greed, lack of concern for others, exploitation of the planet, and so on.  Then there is that whole money not growing on trees bit…meaning, you better work your self to the bone for it. 

I would hear that, “money is the root of all evil”.  I guess I won’t even have a chance of getting into heaven if this keeps up.   I sometimes heard the term, “filthy rich”.  This does not sound like something I want to get involved with. 

However, once I was an adult, married and raising three kids with my husband, I wanted to have the money but I did not want to tell anyone where I got it unless it came from hard work.  I had to feel like I “earned it” and that did not mean planting an orchard of money trees or watching a biotech stock double every week.  Somewhere inside I decided it would be easier just to stay at the level I was living and not deal with all of that.  The stock market obliged and I lost most of it, but that was the beginning of my journey to expand myself and let go of my old beliefs.  It was a wake up call for me. 

Playing the Prosperity Game publicly can bring up some of this same stuff .  With 500 of us playing or watching play, some of us are likely to be thinking that this is all about materialism.  They might be scrutinizing what players are doing with their money.  There might be some trash talk out there and I have seen a small inkling of it in a post.  Well, that is a gift to us because if we are going to step into this power of the flow from source, we must deal with the physical reality of money.  We must realize that this is a big mirror and it is showing us where we have more work to do to free ourselves of our own limiting beliefs and also, the collective cultural beliefs.  Money is still here on this planet.   As long as it is here, it has a purpose and that purpose just might be learning to free ourselves of all of our limiting beliefs about the flow from source of everything that we could ever need and I am NOT just talking about money.  It could be that by working through this, we will see that there is plenty for all, that we no longer have to fight for resources or compete against each other.  We can choose to share generously and to support every body with joy.  We can love ourselves and one another because there is enough.  There is enough money, time, and love.  It is all unlimited. 

Now, I choose abundance and  freedom.  I choose to trust myself to use my money and my energy wisely.  I forgive myself for any times when I do not do that.  I accept it as part of my learning to grow into receiving fully and openly.  I allow good things to flow in.  I choose to feel the unlimited source and the love that comes to me in so many ways.   I choose to have fun with my money and to also do good things with it.  I see the power that it has to support my good work in the world.  I allow this.  I welcome it.  Now I say, bring it on!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Prosperity GAME ON!!!

Choose your Baseline and Being to Play! 

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. ~
James Dean

Imagine that this morning you wake up to find a white envelope sitting on your doorstep.  It clearly has your name on the envelope and is meant only for you.  You open it, and inside is a letter and a check. 

"Dear (insert your name here, this is specifically for you),

I am so happy that you have decided to enjoy Prosperity!  I heard that you are now willing to receive my generous gifts on a daily basis and I am overjoyed to send you this first gift of cash.   You have now stepped into a magnificent and prosperous flow of unlimited potential.  You will be receiving more every day!

Imagine yourself by a beautiful waterfall.  The water is cascading down powerfully and flowing past you on it’s way to many other places.  The water from this fall flows all year long, year after year.  You may come to this fall on any day and take all the water that you need and no one with notice that you took any of it.  There is plenty and more than enough for everyone.  Does it not feel good to be here by this water, flowing, pure and life giving?  Do you notice that birds and butterflies, deer and fox, and many other creatures also share in this flow.  Everyone is satisfied here and there is enough for all today and there will be more tomorrow and every day after that.   It is cool and refreshing and you decide to step into this stream.  This is how I want you to imagine the flow of wealth that you are now standing in.  It is unlimited!  You may drink all you want.  You may fill your canteen and save some of it for later.  You may share it with your companions.  You may swim in it and luxuriate in all it has to offer. 

So today, stand in the stream of this abundant flow and rejoice! 
I have enclosed a check in the amount of your average weekly income. 
Take this game money and spend it all today and have fun with it.  There is more coming!! 

You will find enclosed in this letter some more information about playing the game.  Please read on to get those important details. 

I love you,
Flow Daley,
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Incorporated

From Heart of Prosperity:

According to Facebook, Heart of Prosperity has accumulated fans from at least 26 counties around the world. 

(in no particular order)
Hello Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, Slovenia, Canada, Greece, Denmark, Germany, India, Serbia, Bahrain, South Africa, Latvia, United Arab Emirates, China, Indonesia, Finland, Jordan, New Zealand, Egypt, Philippines, and the U.S. including Puerto Rico.  Did I miss anyone?

How exciting it is to think that we have this potential to globally interact as we play the Prosperity Game!  This means that some of you are not playing with US dollars.  It also means that while in the US the average weekly wage is around $900 a week, that same amount in other countries on our list vary widely and then there is the variability within each individuals circumstance.  Average weekly income in India is $23US while in Norway it is $1500. 
Have you ever wondered where you fit into the global picture of the flow of wealth on this planet.  Here is a link that you might find useful. 

This brings me to the options for play today:

Your challenge for today is to spend your average weekly income all in one day?  You can round it off to a comfy round number to keep things simple, or if you would like to play with another amount, go for $1000. I will be using this amount as the default amount throughout the game.   Whatever you start with today will be your baseline for the game and from this day forward you will be playing with a multiple of that baseline amount. 

What to do with it?

I suggest that you create an account of some kind, either a check book or a spreadsheet and “deposit” the money.  The more realistic you can make this, the better.  So if you usually keep accounts in a particular way, try to use something similar.  Then decide how you would spend the money and enter those “purchases” into your account.  Again, the more real you make it the better so if you have time to look up actual costs, that would be great.  However, if you are having a very busy day and that level of detail is not possible, just do the best you can.  Do not let the time needed interfere with your success in playing.  Play anyway and relax.  Enjoy.  It is meant to be fun and exciting. 

Then share your experience with us by commenting on Facebook or on the blog.  If you decide to blog about this on your own blog, please post a link on HOP’s facebook page so other players can find it and be sure to tell your readers where to find HOP so that they can interact in the big game. 

This is just the beginning.  It is going to get exciting as the amount of daily flow grows. 

Thanks for playing!

Heart of Prosperity

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prosperity Game - Round Two - Summer Edition

It's time for another round of the Prosperity GAME! 
We will be playing this game on facebook, for the most part, but I am going to also post on my blog so that those of you who prefer playing here can do so.  
If you want to join us on facebook go to www.facebook.comHeartofProsperity

This game is based on the one described by Abraham in Esther and Jerry Hick’s book, Ask and It Is Given.  It is condensed and adapted by HOP for group play on facebook. ( I might also use my blog to share some larger posts but plan to keep most of it on facebook for this round.) 

This game is designed to bring you into the vibrations of Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation.

Each day you will have a new amount of money to imagine with.  Since we have people on HOP from all over the world, with various currencies and costs of living, there will be a variation offered.  You may choose to play with the default amount, which will be in US Dollars or with the one specifically for your situation. 

The more real you make it the better so that means that if you have time to shop for the items and find out how much they will cost you for real, rather than estimating and you keep an account on a spreadsheet or use an old checkbook to make deposits and write checks…well all the better. 

Because Nature naturally expands in an orderly sequence, our daily amounts will be loosely correlated to that sacred geometric configuration know as the Fibonacci Series and we will be expanding like blooming flowers.  Doesn’t that sound lovely? 

As you play each day the effect will accumulate so staying with it when it gets tougher to spend larger sums is the way to see the greatest results and benefits from playing.  The first few days are likely to be easy but when you get into the big bucks, you may find it challenging to imagine spending it all.  This is when the expansion really gets good and you will find yourself stretching for ideas and shifting your point of attraction for the better.

“if you are giving focused attention to these wonderful expanding ideas that this game evokes from you, the Universe now responds to the vibrations of those thoughts.”  ~ Abraham

“and feeling no resistance….because there is no fear of overspending, you will achieve what is necessary in the achievement of anything: You will have made a statement of desire while you are in the state of non-resistance, or better said, in the state of allowing.” ~ Abraham

You may face some challenges, encounter some limiting beliefs about having money, or emotions around the way that you choose to spend it.  It is common for people to feel selfishness, guilt, futility, unworthiness, confusion, indecisiveness, hopelessness, anger,  etc.  Feel free to share this too.  Perhaps you can release and change some of those obstacles and find yourself expanding to imagine more abundance, joy and love for yourself and the entire planet!!  This is what we ultimately want!   I would love to support you if you need help with these issues. 

As you play along, I encourage you to share, share, share.  It will inspire, encourage and carry others along.  It is one of the things that makes the game a blast to play on Facebook.  So a  big thanks in advance to those that leave comments and share their experiences.

I will be playing right along with you.  I will be sharing supportive quotes, inspirational and informative videos, links and my own experiences.  I am so happy to have you are as part of this experience.  What a great way to welcome in the next season in our lives! 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Unsent Letters

Sometimes love letters don’t have to be sent.  Sometimes they are an exercise in understanding and forgiveness.  

There is a lot going on in my life these days so I practice good self care and get myself to the chiropractor a couple of times a month.  My doc has begun using a new technique called KST lately.  I might tell you more about that in another post but for now, let me say that it works right into the core to identify root causes of physical symptoms.  This week at my appointment he brought to my attention a family relationship that is causing some of my current discomfort.  This is not something that I have been thinking about but I am holding it in my body.  It’s been there for quite a while and my body is beginning to insist on action.   Now would be a good time to call it up and deal with it.  Not the person, mind you, but MY issue.   

In another scenario in my life…..a recent incident….
Something flared up out of the blue. A friend and I had a disagreement. It was not a simple one, but one that created a very strong reaction for her and developed into a personal confrontation. It felt pretty icky and I could not go on as if life was good. I just wanted it to go away! 
In this kind of situation, I may find things to distract me for a little while, like a movie or food or even an event with others.  I must confess that I am even tempted to call people who I know will sympathize with me and dish about it, but that will not bring me peace and it will not get me to my happy place.  No, I must address the issue.  My issue.  

There are several good tools for this.  One of the first that I found in my life and one that continues to be helpful at times is “The Love Letter Technique” from Dr. John Gray. 
 “The love letter technique is a way to share and express the complete truth for resolving emotional conflict both within yourself and in your relationships. It is not only a powerful tool for emotional healing, but through practicing it, you will learn more about your own feelings and what it really means to tell the truth.  Heart graduates report that in a matter of minutes, they are able to resolve emotional conflicts that would otherwise have seemed impossible and been repressed.”

The Love Letter Format

To write a love letter, begin by expressing your anger, resentment and blame and allow yourself to move through the other levels until you get down to the love. Each love letter has five parts - and the following lead-in phrases may help you if you become stuck at one level and need to move into the next.
I don't like it when...
I resent...
I hate it when...
I'm fed up with...
I'm tired of...
I want...
I feel sad when...
I feel hurt when...
I feel awful because...
I feel disappointed because...
I want...
I feel afraid...
I'm afraid that...
I feel scared because...
I want...
I'm sorry that...
I'm sorry for...
Please forgive me for...
I didn't mean to...
I wish..
I love you because...
I love when...
Thank you for...
I understand that...

I forgive you for...
I want...
Remember: If you want to feel better, write a love Letter!!

I used this tool many times over the years and it brought me to understanding and peace rather quickly.  When a relationship challenge shows up, this can be one powerful process.  At one point I made a list of all the people close to me and worked through each one.  It wasn’t that I had anything going on with them at the time but there were things that I had repressed, especially with close family members.  I felt that this technique helped me clear a lot of old stuff and that feels soooo good.  Why wait until is comes into play during a new issue, why not clear it now while things are smooth?   Then, you are better off when the next challenge appears. I'll be writing one of these today.  

Heart of Prosperity

You can find HOP on facebook: