Monday, January 31, 2011

Time is on Your Side!

You have an Abundance of Time!

Imagine that you have two extra hours today with which to do anything.  Somehow the Universe has managed to make for you, a 26 hour day!  What would you do with those two hours?

You have time prosperity!  Time Abundance!  By imagining what you would do with this free time, you set into motion the process of manifesting this kind of free time for yourself.  By imagining it, your mind goes to work to find ways to bring you these experiences.

Please share your imaginings!  I love love love reading what other people do with their abundance. (And it’s not just me, others are loving it too!)  It puts me in this space of imagining it for myself.  Sometimes it triggers glorious new possibilities that I had not considered.  It helps me and all the co-readers of this blog to expand.  It can also help make it more real for you and brings another part of your brain into the experience making it even more effective.   So any way you slice it, it is a good thing to share.  So I invite you to serve it UP!  

Time is on Your Side!

In the beginning of time…wait…was there a beginning of time?  Too big, too much for today, let’s get down to something simple and practical.  Let’s talk about traffic.  Traffic is a great example of how time can work for you or against you.  The experience that you have is based on your beliefs, those sometimes deeply entrenched subconscious beliefs that you have about time and how it works for you.  What if you believed that time was always on your side?  What if you embraced the idea that the timing of everything is in perfect divine order? 

Imagine that one morning you were having a very good dream, perhaps one that you really need and you sleep in a little later, making your time to get yourself to work look just a little pinched.  You get in your car and you start on your way just a little behind schedule.  Getting to your first meeting of the day….well, at this point it could go either way depending on TRAFFIC!  Yes, traffic, the playground of time masters.  You want to hit all the green lights; you want to be behind people that are moving; no getting stuck behind slow-pokes this morning; you want to find a parking space very easily.  This is all possible.  What is also possible it the opposite experience.  Yikes!  The power of your beliefs can do this! 

Oh, but you are not always short of time when driving are you?  Imagine on another morning, you wake up early and feel refreshed and ready to get up and get going. You are on your way to a new location and you are not sure how to get there.  As you get closer to your destination, you realize you may need to look at the map once to make sure you find the place you are looking for.  Now you need a red light and a long one so you can study the map and memorize your directions.  Next light…red!  Perfect timing! 

It can work that way and not just with traffic but with everything.  Does it work that way for you?  Observe through your day how your time flows.  Is it in your favor?  Do you see the perfection of it?  If not, can you find the thoughts that you have that might be running this show from your subconscious mind?  Note these thoughts, beliefs and perceptions and decide to let go of them in order to replace them with a new set of beliefs that allow you to flow in divine timing.  When everything is in divine order, it flows, efficiently, effectively and delightfully. 

Please share your experiences as this helps all of us to shift our perspectives, understand each other, stretch into new territory, become something bigger and better than ever.  I thank you! 

Sue Dolamore
Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We are entering new territory.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Time Master’s Workshop.  This developed from the Prosperity Game which was an exercise to expand the consciousness around money.  It was fun and easy.  It was also not something new.  Others have played that game and had good results. 

Now, we are entering into new territory.  Time seems more illusive and harder to control.  I’ve been hyper aware of people’s ideas and thoughts about time ever since I decided I would offer this as the next interactive thing for Heart of Prosperity.    I also searched with multitudes of keywords to see what others have presented.  I didn’t find much.  It seems I am embarking upon uncharted waters and may sink or swim.  On the other hand, I would not have suggested it if I didn’t think I could put forth something that would have the intended outcome, which is to offer a series of posts, with inviting challenges that would have the ability to expand time consciousness for all who choose to come along on the voyage.  I intend for this to be just as much fun as the last game and even more mind-blowing. 

I want to be able to give you the message that I am completely confident about this project.  I want to be able to tell you that this is a huge success and that it will be so good that it will attract new people to play so that this game and the subsequent offerings this year will each be better than the last, partly because more people are involved and it is getting richer and richer as more people join in.  The truth is, it is the unknown.  I can only say that  I set a big intention; I trust myself and my support team, and it is likely to be amazing, but I really don’t know. 

What I do know is that over the years, I have had time to play with time.  I have stories of Ahha moments around time consciousness.  I have experiences of value, where I was able to make time work in my favor.  I have read about the acceleration of time, the dissolution of time, and the manipulation of time.  I have explored my own and others beliefs about time and the deeply ingrained ideas about time in our culture and I know that some of these are not universal.  This means that we can change, re-create, re-vision or revise our thoughts about time and by doing this, we can change our relationship to it.  This can change our life. 

This could mean that you would make better use of time and gain more leisure and more success.  It could also go much deeper, because by becoming more familiar with this 4th dimension, you expand your consciousness that much more and open doors that will bring you closer to that next dimension.  It is part of evolving, expanding and understanding the universe itself.  Like other things, time is both a microcosm and a macrocosm, and by exploring it you may realize that it is a metaphor for many other things.  The expansion of consciousness around time can be a bridge or an opening to much more.  I am excited about the prospects of this.  I want you to join me so that we, together, can share perspectives and help each other to expand even further.  Please come along for the ride.  What have you got to lose but a little time and that seems funny, because more of it is made every minute. 

One final note, if you have been reading my blog, you know that I get inspirations in the morning upon waking quite often.  This morning, I had one too.  I have been trying to figure out just how many days this Workshop would last and I got my answer in the predawn hours.  Our lovely number 8 is the infinity symbol turned a bit and this is symbolic, for it will last for 8 days and will turn into infinity!!! 

We start tomorrow!!! 


Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Time Masters Workshop begins on Monday, January 31st!

In just a few days, we will begin the Time Masters Workshop.  I hope this will be as much fun or more than the Prosperity Game was for all of us.  Ever since the subject of time prosperity and consciousness surfaced, I have been thinking about the many aspects of time.  I have played with ideas about time for so many years!  My grown daughters will attest to the fact that the language around our house was more often “the timing is perfect” than “the timing was off”.  I believe that we have a lot more control over time than we give ourselves credit for and I hope that by joining this workshop, we will collectively expand our consciousness about time and gain more mastery over this seemingly uncontrollable and unceasing dimension.  I do not believe that it is either of those things.  Now to tell you a little about how this will work in hopes that you will stay posted and perhaps invite some friends to join in. 

Each posting with have two components:

  1. You will be given an allotment of extra time each day to do what you want with much like we did with money in the prosperity game. This is for the realm of the imagination to go into a world were time is ever more abundant and free for you.  To live this reality in your imagination will spur your subconscious and conscious mind to make more time for all the things that you love to do and may not find enough time to do in your life. 
  2. There will be a suggested challenge.  It will very often be a practical way that you can play with time in your daily life so that you may begin to see how much control you have over it.  You will be challenged to change your thinking, being or doing in regards to time so that you will have the opportunity to see just how flexible time can be, how you can make more of it with a change in consciousness. 

By considering time in a new way, you may liberate yourself from the constraints of time and experience as much potential for an abundance of time as any other thing.    In this workshop, we will play, because work should be fun.  "Time flies when you are having fun" ...or does it???   Mwah..ha..ha..ha!!!

We begin Monday!

“Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.”  ~Faith Baldwin

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let’s Just Give Each Other Stuff

Let’s Just Give Each Other Stuff

After completing this, I sure hope it doesn’t seem like  a homework assignment because  I love the energy of the people following this blog and I really want to know what you think!!! 

I have spent some time thinking about “Let’s just give each other stuff” since a friend said it over ten years ago.  I have also spent a good bit of time thinking about money, what it is, why we have it, and whether we can live without it, collectively.  Is there another way?  What effect does money have on our communities and our culture?  In this process I have explored many related ideas through books, videos and articles.  The subject matter is huge so I can’t go into too much of it here as it would be a book!

So for the sake of brevity, I will post  powerful ideas that might generate new thoughts and perhaps we can have a bit of an exchange if you are willing to comment or share links to more information.  I may write more about each of these points in the future.  For now, I would love to start a conversation.  If you only have time for one, please consider commenting on the last bullet point.  Thanks!

  • If you began to think of all people as one, connected, related, then would you need to keep accounts?  Would there always have to be a individual to individual exchange or would you just give unconditionally where ever there was a good purpose for giving?  
  •   Does the use of money increase the efficiency of exchanges while undermining the strength of community bonds?  Does it encourage you to buy locally and support your neighbors and their talents?
  • Do you get more value if you pay more?  This one is personally challenging for me at the moment because I charge a fee for my coaching services and my own coach, colleagues and some friends are suggesting that if I charge more money, my clients will actually be happier, taking the sessions more seriously and giving them much greater focus, showing up more prepared to do their part in the exchange. What do you think about this?  Does the price set an expectation that generates a result? 
  • When you embrace the belief of unlimited flow, do you actually spend less and live more simply because you do not need to hoard and quickly find that the meaning of life has little to do with things and much more to do with connections?

  •  How do you give in a way that empowers the recipient?  Is it important to give based on need or is there something else that would determine this?  How do you decide who you will give to?  When do you choose not to give even though you may have what another wants or needs? 

  •  In what ways could you begin to change your way of living to move into more of a gift culture, where money was less and less relevant because we just give each other stuff?
I look forward to your comments!  Thanks for reading.

Heart of Prosperity
Life Coaching

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prosperity Game Wrap-up

Dear __Your Name___,

You finished!  Thank you and Congratulations for playing and I hope you found it fun and effective in expanding your consciousness about money. 

We at Source Inc. would like to continue to work with you always and we hope that you will  be aware of your beliefs and perceptions about money and from there, decide to change those that are not for the highest good of all.  It is suggested that you continue to play this game in some form on your own or start your own circle of friends to share it with.  The original format starts with $1000 and adds an additional $1000 each day and is played for an entire year.  Playing the game in this more gradual way gives your sub-conscious mind more time to root out the old beliefs and change them. In this way, you will see your prosperity increasing in actuality through the year and the game will begin to be a not just a game but a way of calling forth what you want and you will see it ARRIVE!   It is highly recommended. 

Another recommendation is that you choose several of those things that you included in your spending and actually do them.  The more of this the better.  If you can afford that massage, or trip, or item, or donation, schedule it, pay for it. enjoy it, give thanks for it. 

It's been lots of fun!  Thanks again for playing and I hope to hear that you are continuing with the game.  Keep sharing your experiences.  You may post on the wall at Heart of Prosperity on Facebook any time during the year to let others know of your success! 

Love and Peace,
Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Yay!  That was more fun than I could have predicted!  On my last day, I purchased more land around my home in NC.  I also took a big group of friends out to lunch at a nice Turkish restaurant where they have the most delicious and beautifully presented salads and other yummy stuff.  

For the next couple of days I  will be home and then I am off to  snow country for a little retreat with my girls.  I am hoping to have DSL so I can update and post but I am not positive about that so we will see,  During that time and until February I will post whatever comes to me and then there is a plan in the works for the beginning of February!  So exciting.  Let me say first that I totally follow spirit when I do this stuff and sometimes it changes in unexpected ways as you can see from this game.  Flow threw in a few surprises!  Heck the whole game was a surprise as I had something totally different in mind and then I got this nudge and it grew nudgier and I had to pay attention to it.  I never know quite how it will go but I am learning that Spirit is much smarter than me and if I listen and follow through amazing things happen!! 

February, I will be starting up "The Time Masters Workshop".  A series of exercises to expand your time consciousness!  Tell your friends and relations about this upcoming online event and encourage them to join us here and on facebook.  Watch for more info in the days ahead.  

Happy Imaginings, 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 11


Now that you are familiar with imagining the continuous flow of abundance that is possible, you might notice that you are thinking about money, spending and sharing a little differently.  There is more than enough of everything to go around in this vast and generous universe. 

Today you have 144,000 dollars to spend and it comes with a fun little twist.  As usual, you must spend it all today and you may spend in on anything you want.  What's the twist?  We at here at Source Inc. have decided to throw in a little bonus for you.  All of your debt, whether it be from student loans, mortgages, car loans, credit card debt or any other kind of loan or debt is paid off in addition to the 144K for the day.  That's right!  So NO need to apply that cash to pay off debt, it can all be spent on new ideas and new things to make your world what you want it to be. 

I hope you have a wonderful experience imagining what you will do with this money.  Money is an energy form that can do many great things.  When used in a positive way it is a powerful force for spreading love, experiencing the beauty of our planet and facilitating meaningful actions.   I hope that you will experience the power of money first hand in the days to come as you allow your imaginings from this game to become your reality!

I hope you will check back in tomorrow when we will wrap things up as the game ends.

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Wow, Flow!  She surprised me when she popped up with the loan pay-off twist.  I was going to pay off more mortgage debt but now that that is done, I can't just rest on my laurels thinking I am off easy for the day. 
I can't believe this is our last day of receiving money from Flow in this round of the game.  Tomorrow, I will post with some final thoughts on this game and let you know a little about what is coming up next.

Yesterday we looked at non-monetary gifts.  It was great to hear about some of the ways that you have received gifts.  I must say that I have been so fortunate in receiving gifts.  I have very generous friends and family.  My parents are so generous and I could go on and on listing what they have given me but that is not uncommon so for today, I will only talk about the rest of the world.  I have received a car, a series of amazing Cranial Release treatments, massages, trip expenses including airfare, car rental and food, tickets to broadway shows on at least three occasions,  ballet tickets, a bicycle, and so much more.  I have a friend who once said, "Let's just give each other stuff" and I think that is how the new world ought to work.  I think I want to live in a world where we think of each other as if we are so connected, so ONE, that we give and share as if we were taking care of ourselves when we take care of each other.  Imagine that!  There would be no more accounting necessary.  Money would become useless and unnecessary and we would have so much fun giving and receiving.  Every day would be like Christmas!  So.............. Let's just give each other stuff!  

Happy 1/11/11.   I hope you have a great day!  

Monday, January 10, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 10!


Today is day 10!!!  You are hitting the home stretch in your 11 day game.  We here at Source Inc. are putting it on big for the last two days.  You have 89,000 dollars to spend today! So, enjoy yourselves BIG TIME!  

Thank you for joining in on the special challenge yesterday!   I suggest part two of that today. 
Today, you are challenged to think about ways that abundance has come to you in a non-monetary way as part of the "gift culture".   Have you ever received a gift  or something that had significance for you that came as a delightful surprise?  Examples might be: tickets to an event that you enjoyed, delicious food, a dinner out, or maybe something a little more rare to receive as a gift or giveaway, like a car, a boat, a get the idea. 

Have a delightful day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Hi all, you know I spend my money yesterday on  a beautiful garage guest house and today I plan to pay down my mortgage.  That might sound boring but it is so EXCITING!!!  
Now for the money that falls from the sky challenge I have many experiences that actually happened that remind me that this can happen anytime.  Some of them are little things and some big but they all add up and I am grateful for each one!  
*When I signed up for massage school, I had the money to enroll but I did not have the money that would be due half way through the course but I leaped in anyway and trusted.  Something that was a first for me at the time.  A little before the money was due I received a check for $1500 from my Grandpa, almost exactly the amount I needed.  The thing is, he had no idea I needed it and he had NEVER sent me a check before or after!
*I used to pay by check at Publix when I went grocery shopping and about 3 times each year the checks were never cashed.  This added up to almost $500. a year from Publix. I wonder what happened to those checks but for me it was a gift. Thanks Publix!
* On two occasions, as I was barely waking in the early morning I  audibly heard stock ticker symbols and proceeded to look at their charts.  The first time it was Tollgrade Communications and I bought about 100-150 share.  It went up $10 a share within the week and I sold it for that profit.  The next time it was Logitech, which gapped up overnight 2 days later a whopping $24 a share.  I sold that and made a quick $2400!!!  Not bad and totally divine intervention.  
I have many more examples and quite a few to mention tomorrow when I share gifts that I have received.  

I wish you all a wonderful day full of unexpected delights!  

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 9

Good Day!

Another beautifully abundant day has arrived!  You can make this day anything that you want to make it! 
You have $55,000 dollars to play with today.  Please read the extra challenge below.  It will make playing today extra fun.  I hope you envision wonderful things for yourself and your world. 

During the years of your life and especially during your young formative years, you probably heard a lot of statements about money and abundance repeatedly.  These statements may still be affecting you and one reason why it is sometimes difficult to change them is because of logic.  Some of these statements seem to make sense!  One that I run into frequently when reminding people of the unlimited Source will relate to their own day to day situation. Some examples:  "I can't have that because my salary is fixed and I don't make enough money to afford that." Period, end of discussion.  "I can't get out of this unhappy relationship because I am dependent on my partner and I have two kids to think about"  or "I can't go there because I am retired and I have to think about how I am going to pay my way through as I get even older and can't care for myself."  and on and on.  In all of these statements, there is one thing in common; the person saying them has logically determined that their source is defined.  They have made their current job, their partner, their investment portfolio or something else their source.  There is only one Source and that Source is unlimited. These things are just vehicles for delivery and there are many other ways to get that abundance into your hands. 

Today, as an extra exercise, I suggest that you think wildly about all the possible ways that abundance can flow.  It would be even more effective if you made a list of all the ways that you know of that money can "fall from the sky", "grow on trees" or "arrive at your doorstep".   It would be super if you could get crazy with it and share with everyone because this is going to expand all of you even more!!!  Once you open to these new ways, it will be much easier for me to do my job getting the money to you! 

Have a prosperous and fun day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Hey all, yesterday was great!  I hired a green energy consultant to meet me at my home in North Carolina next week to begin developing a plan to get off grid.  The money for the day will be spent on installing a combination wind, solar and geothermal system for energy on the house.  Isn't that cool!  Today I will be having a two story garage/guest house built so you can come visit me when I move there permanently this spring!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 8


Today is Day 8!    I see even now, new people are coming into the game.  How exciting!  It's never too late to start playing.

The numbers are getting bigger and so are the dreams of what to do with it.  Of course, this is all relative to where you are with money today.  To some, it is easy to spend $1000 in a day right now without blinking and eye and to others, even $10 of spending must be carefully considered.   What if that number could dissolve completely and you did not even have to think about the dollar amount, only the value that something had in your life and what it's effect would be on the good of all.  How would the world change if all began to realize that the source is GENEROUS and UNLIMITED?  The purpose of the game, in part, is to put you into a space where for at least a bit of your day, you can feel that generosity and unlimitedness that is available to you.  The only thing standing in the way are your own perceptions and beliefs.  If you need help with these, there are many techniques that can be helpful.  One that is easy to start with is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. If you have no experience with EFT and want an introduction, watch this video,Intro to EFT tapping  (Note: Tapping points will vary with different practitioners and that is OK)  For an example and one that you can try out right now, give this link a try:  Tapping with Brad Yates on Abundance

Today you have $34,000 to spend and can spend it on ANYTHING but are strongly encouraged to spend all of it today.

Happy Imaginings,

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Find more Heart of Prosperity on facebook:   HeartofProsperity on FB

Hi all, 
I got my new vehicle yesterday.  It is a used Toyota Highlander Hybrid with all wheel drive for my new life in the snowy mountains of North Carolina!!! With the money I had left over, I am signing up for an online course at Omnium Universe that I want to complete donating money to David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust for the adoption of orphaned elephants. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 7

Welcome to Day 7!

I am delighted that you are all still in the game!  Source Inc. has unlimited funds to distribute as gifts and we are overjoyed to be able to find people who want to receive! 

New money is made every day, every minute even!  This will not stop when your game ends.  The game is working in your imagination but I hope you realize that the things that you "seed" in your imagination are possible in your every day reality.  Look for more and more abundance to enter into your life as you continue to imagine.  Take some time to feel what it would be like if you where able to do all those things that you imagined.  Really feel it.  The image is the design but the feelings are the fuel that bring it to you.  It may start small or show up in a big way, that will depend on your beliefs about attracting what you want.  It may be a good time to pause in the game and make a list of your beliefs about money, work, and life. Decide to release the ones that hold you back and replace them with new ideas that are in alignment with your heart. 

Today you will have $21000 go spend.  Have fun! 

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

I have a story to tell about my experience with opening to abundance in a big way.
Back in the early 2000's, the stock market was in the midst of a "tech bubble" .  I was new to stocks at that time and had put a little bit of money in the market with a broker.  I began with about $1500.00.  For the first year it grew slowly.  I was working on my beliefs about money at the time and opening to see more happen with it.  Well, Bam!  It started to grow faster.....3000.....6500....10000....then almost overnight it shot to 21000.  In my mind I saw this continuing and becoming a millionaire in a year as it was doubling so frequently.  This was so BIG for me at the time.  That 21K was half our annual family  income made in the market in less than 6 months.  Wow.  You would think I would be totally happy and I was but I was also freaking out!  Yes, can you believe it?  I did not believe it!  I slammed right into my beliefs and perceptions about money.  I heard the voices of my parents, my friends, my siblings in my head.  All kinds of judgement, expectations, etc. This was more intense for me than I feel like I can convey in writing, but let me say that I knew that I had work to do and that I was not ready for overnight millions. So what happened?  The market began to take a dive soon after that 21K mark was reached and a trader friend who managed his own portfolio called me and told me to get my money out and do it NOW!  If I had listened to him I would have held on to my 21K and had it to trade another day.  I called my broker and he convinced me to hold.  As the days went by this repeated a few times with two people advising me with opposite advice.  I held.  I lost all but 6K of it.  In truth, that was my comfort level.  I was not ready for the 21K at that time.  From there, I was angry at my broker and mostly at myself but it was a wake-up call and I began to change my belief systems and also, learn how the market worked and manage my own trading account.  In the subsequent years I got very good at trading and began to set a goal for what I wanted to make each year and each year I more than met that goal.  I do not set goals to double my money but I set goals that seem just out of reach like 25-30% total return for the year.  I set goals that feel like they would take some divine intervention to see realized and I have met those goals in EVERY year that I was trading!  Now my comfort level with how much money I can handle is much higher but I am aiming even higher because I want to do some great things with money.  

Yesterday I spend my 13K on gutters and a rain water catchment system for my NC house!  I also bought high speed blenders to give as gifts to my children and friends who would absolutely love to have one but might not feel they have the money to put out for a $500 blender.  I bought other stuff to support my work, improve my home ( window treatments, linens, furniture, etc.), and I signed up for some courses to add to my skills and I made a donation to the Nature Conservancy.  Today I am going car shopping!  

Happy Imaginings, 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 6

Good Day!

It is a very good day today because the stream of money continues to flow and it is getting wider!  Today you have $13,000 to spend on anything that your heart desires.  It just gets better each day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Thank you, Flow.  Well she got right to the point today!  
Yesterday, I spent my moolah on lots of stuff: I replaced our chipped up tile counter tops with granite, the sliding door with a beautiful french door, window treatments for the NC house,  and then took Ivy out for a shopping day to get some very much needed new clothes and lunch, hairstyling for both of us, some new linens, some stuff for HOP and I made a donation to Habitat for Humanity because I love my home and I want everyone to have one!  $8000 dollars goes a long way. I just kept adding things and I still had more left but I did spend every last cent of it and I will do the same today.  

I would love to join Lyn in her sauna!  I can't wait to hear more about the Green School in Bali when zorawalli gets back and I hope the Dolamore boys will make a recording with all their new musical gear!  Oh and, can I ride that motorcycle too?  I remember that one and it was lots of fun!  

Happy Imaginings!

PS, Heart of Prosperity is on Facebook and there is more there. More comments and more inspiration, more people playing along.  Join us if you haven't yet.  

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 5

Dear You,

We are on Day 5!  It is very rewarding to see what you are doing with this fabulous abundance!  You are upgrading your ability to function at your full potential!  You are sharing and enjoying more of the beauty and wonders of the world.  You are feeding your senses!  This is exactly what is meant for you!  You deserve to have these things.  All of you do.  Everyone on Earth! And there is enough to go around.  Keep it flowing by giving of your talents, your heart, your love and you will see that there is so much here. You will all thrive!!!

This game usually shows players a few of their issues and how their belief systems are affecting their behaviors and in turn, their experience of life.  Have you had any revelations?  Any discomfort?  Any breakthrough moments of joy?   Most of you will have all of these at some point in the game.  As the amount increases, new things may surface.  Keep sharing your experience.  There are many people playing, most silently, so those open to share are supporting themselves and all the other players.  Thank You, Thank You!!!

Oh the amount for today is $8000!!  Have a super great fun time with it.  You can spend it on anything! 

Flow Daley,
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc. 

Hi all, I have had a some great conversations with people as a result of this game. Yesterday alone, three of my friends that I did not know where playing along talked to me about it and they are all having a great time with it and it is creating new awareness.  Love it!!
Yesterday I went rug shopping with my cash.  I found a hand knotted persian that had exactly the colors that I wanted for nearly $3000.  Whew!  I would never have even looked in that price range but since the flow is continuous, I figured, what the heck.  I ended up deciding to get that one and three other less expensive rugs that I am equally pleased with.  They all will look so perfect on my new floors.  Just a few weeks ago, when I looked at rugs, I was immediately discouraged and not finding what I wanted, but yesterday when the cost consideration was not there and I was feeling free to play, it was easy and enjoyable and I found what I wanted very quickly.  This is interesting to me.  I also realized that three of the 4 are all affordable and I could buy them today.  The persian is giving me issues.  For one thing, it is by a big amount the most costly and it would be for my personal room so it feels really weird to spend so much on a rug for my room when I am spending a fraction of that for other rooms shared with family, even though the other less costly rugs are just perfect for each space.  The thing is, I am running this thought through my head." That is a lot of money to spend on YOUR room and could probably be better used on something that the WHOLE family would enjoy"  
Well, in reality, I am not yet buying the persian because I don't have the money for it at the moment, but what if I did?  Now that I think about it, it kind of feels OK in my heart, so maybe I have worked through something there.  How does it feel OK, because if someone else wanted something, we would be able to get that too.  Everyone could have what feels suited to them.  It is getting easier to be generous to myself and EVERYONE.  If there is no limit to the flow, things feel very different.  

In addition to the 4 rugs, I had a nice sushi lunch with my daughter, another massage and I put another chunk of money into my global microlending account at Kiva and lent some money to an entrepreneur in Uganda.  

Happy Imaginings, 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 4

Good Morning,

Today is a new day and with every new day there is more abundance and love to spread around!  I am amping it up a bit today for you.  You will have $5000 and you may spend it on anything, ANYTHING! 

Have a joyous day!

Flow Daley
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Oh this is a very exciting game!  Yesterday, I had an awareness about myself and how I had been spending most of my money on things that I have actual plans to purchase someday.  I am a big planner and goal setter by nature so I usually have a grand design in mind for what I want.  Then I read Annabananas wonderful plan to fly off to St. Lucia.  I loved how she fit it into her day in a practical way, including that she would be done in time to go to school the next morning.  I realized I wasn't thinking about what I would actually spend the money on today, TODAY, ya know, in this NOW moment.  So yesterday, after having that ahh ha moment, I changed my plan for the day and included some things I had not before considered.  

I hired some help to assist me in putting Holiday decor away.  I also found a driver to pick up dinner at the raw restaurant downtown and deliver it to us and I paid for a session with an Omnium Method practitioner.  Then I made an appointment with a personal trainer as I could use some advice in that department and finally I went back to my grand design and ordered a brand new Apple laptop to replace the one that was recently damaged on a flight to Asheville.  The carry on compartments were full and they took my bag in quite a rush to checked baggage and that was the end of my powerbook. 
I also made that donation to buy a well for a village in Africa, because I love pure water and I want everyone to have it.  

Today, I have $5000. to spend so it will be a nice mix again and will get rugs of high quality for my home in NC to go on the new wood floors.  I am thinking I could use a massage this afternoon too and who knows what else.  I am just getting started.  

Thanks so much for playing.  You are making this fun!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Prosperity Game - Day 3

My Dear,

We are so happy to provide you with a continuous flow of abundance!  It can make a big difference in the world when you begin to live out your dreams, creating a life that is full and rich.  You will find that you are able to reach your full potential and to share many good things with others.  You are able to afford the highest quality goods from the best and fairest producers, those that care about the people and the planet and also want to build a better world.

I am so glad that you are still in the game.  Today you have another $3000.00 to spend on whatever you want but spend it all today.  Think about what you would most like to have happen today and use this money to support that now.

Oh and just a heads up.  This is the last day that your allotment will increase by $1000. Each day from here until day 11, you will see a greater increase and it is going to get even more exciting!!!!

Keep sharing your journey with eachother.  You are making good things happen for yourself and all those playing and watching.  Soon you may begin to hear some stories of unexpected prosperity coming into the hands of our players and possibly, even you!

Flow Daley,
Manager of Gift Distribution
Source Inc.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 2

Day 1 was fun.  There were lots of massages happening and think how well off all those massage therapists would be if we all indulged more often and that would be a service to humanity in so many ways!

Today is a new day and new money is flowing in. 

I got this message from Flow:

My Dear __your name here_______, 
I am depositing $2000. in your primary account at the Prosperity Bank today.  You may spend it on anything, ANYTHING, but you must spend it all today.  Spending money takes time and you might be saying that you don't have time to spend this much money, but I can assure you it will be well worth it to follow through on day 2.  Each time you reach a new dollar amount your subconscious mind, which doesn't know truth from fiction, expands to deal with this new level of wealth.  It will become accustomed to believing that you are willing and able to attract more money each day and it will seek to prove to you that this is your new reality.  What begins in your imagination may become your reality. 

Even Einstein agreed with this, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." and who will dispute his good thinking? 

One more thing, people who play this game they often hit a point where the dollar amount becomes intimidating and they STOP!  Imagine that!  I assure you  that if you push past that intimidation you will be quite happy that you did.  If you do hit a point where you feel like stopping, check with yourself as to why.  What's your excuse?  There could be some big keys for you in that moment, keys that would unlock the door to the next level of prosperity for you!  It is only 11 days total for this round of the game and who can't push through 11 days of using money for the good of all.  

Have a great time creating a new beautiful world for yourself!

Flow Daley,
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Incorporated
By the way, I spent my money on a hot air balloon adventure over Asheville!  a massage, some very stylish winter boots and a cozy down jacket, a new smart phone and a chocolate bar (well I had $4.00 leftover and that would be just right for the best chocolate) .  Happy Imaginings to all of you and thanks for all the sharing!  It is fun to see what you are doing with your cash.  It is giving me ideas and helping me expand my own thinking about money!!  Love and Gratitude to all of you! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Prosperity Game Day 1

What would you do if you received a gift of $1111.00?  Before you answer, there are strings attached; You must spend it all today.  ~ Prosperity Game Day 1 > Let's Play!!!!!!!

Happy New Year! 

Imagine that this morning you wake up to find a white envelope sitting on your doorstep.  It clearly has your name on the envelope and is meant only for you.  You open it, and inside is a letter and a check for $1111.00 US cash.  The letter reads,

"Dear (insert your name here, this is specifically for you),

Happy New Year!  I heard that you are now willing to receive my generous gifts on a daily basis and I am overjoyed to send you this first gift of cash to begin this magnificent and prosperous new year.  I have plans to make 2011 the most joyful year for all who want to experience this and I am so happy that you will be one of the ONES! 

Today's gift does come with a "game rule" and a suggestion.  The rule is that you must spend it all today.  Yes, every last cent.   I will also make a strong, very strong suggestion, that you spend it on personal things that are just for you and for your pleasure and enjoyment.  I heard the word, (yes, I am listening) that some of you were going to get new tires for your car, buy a well for an African village, fix the plumbing in your home and I say, no no NO!  Today, I want you to buy yourself some special things to honor yourself and recognize how beloved you are.  Love yourself with this money.  There will be a continuous flow coming in the days ahead and plenty of money for all those other things you were thinking of, so, release your guilt, your unworthiness, and your over active sense of spirituality and blow the whole pile on you.  Have fun and share with each other, not the money, the experience! 

I love you,
Flow Daley,
Manager of Distribution of Gifts
Source Incorporated

We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive. ~Wayne Dyer"

End of letter.

OK so there it is,  I guess I ought not start with buying the trim for my wood floors and my Kiva donation.  So I am off to love myself with this money.   HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
