You have an Abundance of Time!
Imagine that you have two extra hours today with which to do anything. Somehow the Universe has managed to make for you, a 26 hour day! What would you do with those two hours?
You have time prosperity! Time Abundance! By imagining what you would do with this free time, you set into motion the process of manifesting this kind of free time for yourself. By imagining it, your mind goes to work to find ways to bring you these experiences.
Please share your imaginings! I love love love reading what other people do with their abundance. (And it’s not just me, others are loving it too!) It puts me in this space of imagining it for myself. Sometimes it triggers glorious new possibilities that I had not considered. It helps me and all the co-readers of this blog to expand. It can also help make it more real for you and brings another part of your brain into the experience making it even more effective. So any way you slice it, it is a good thing to share. So I invite you to serve it UP!
Time is on Your Side!
In the beginning of time…wait…was there a beginning of time? Too big, too much for today, let’s get down to something simple and practical. Let’s talk about traffic. Traffic is a great example of how time can work for you or against you. The experience that you have is based on your beliefs, those sometimes deeply entrenched subconscious beliefs that you have about time and how it works for you. What if you believed that time was always on your side? What if you embraced the idea that the timing of everything is in perfect divine order?
Imagine that one morning you were having a very good dream, perhaps one that you really need and you sleep in a little later, making your time to get yourself to work look just a little pinched. You get in your car and you start on your way just a little behind schedule. Getting to your first meeting of the day….well, at this point it could go either way depending on TRAFFIC! Yes, traffic, the playground of time masters. You want to hit all the green lights; you want to be behind people that are moving; no getting stuck behind slow-pokes this morning; you want to find a parking space very easily. This is all possible. What is also possible it the opposite experience. Yikes! The power of your beliefs can do this!
Oh, but you are not always short of time when driving are you? Imagine on another morning, you wake up early and feel refreshed and ready to get up and get going. You are on your way to a new location and you are not sure how to get there. As you get closer to your destination, you realize you may need to look at the map once to make sure you find the place you are looking for. Now you need a red light and a long one so you can study the map and memorize your directions. Next light…red! Perfect timing!
It can work that way and not just with traffic but with everything. Does it work that way for you? Observe through your day how your time flows. Is it in your favor? Do you see the perfection of it? If not, can you find the thoughts that you have that might be running this show from your subconscious mind? Note these thoughts, beliefs and perceptions and decide to let go of them in order to replace them with a new set of beliefs that allow you to flow in divine timing. When everything is in divine order, it flows, efficiently, effectively and delightfully.
Please share your experiences as this helps all of us to shift our perspectives, understand each other, stretch into new territory, become something bigger and better than ever. I thank you!
Sue Dolamore
Heart of ProsperityLife Coaching